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飞机噪音是旅客不明智所至。Aircraft noise is unwitting of passengers.

陪着不知情的杰姬在医院等候音讯。Accompany unwitting Jackie in hospital waiting for thereafter.

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她说,她相信彭日成是狐假虎威,在利用她的儿子。Ms. Smith says she believes Mr. Pang used her son as an unwitting 'front guy.'

相反的是,资金援助会迫使毫不知情的纳税人为希腊的罪责负担债务。In contrast, a bailout forces unwitting taxpayers to foot the bill for Greece's sins.

他到底是把恶魔引到镇上的罪魁祸首,还是仅仅是一个毫不知情的卒子?Is he the architect of the evil that has befallen the town, or simply an unwitting pawn?

他就是策划让邪恶降临这个小镇的真凶吗?抑或着他只是一粒不知情的棋子?Is he the srchitect of the evil that has befallen the town, or simply an unwitting pawn?

他要么是伊朗最勇敢的学生,要么是这片伊斯兰地域中不知世事的小丑,或者两者兼而有之。He may be the bravest student in Iran or an unwitting stooge of the Islamic regime – or both.

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如果他的死亡确实由可卡因所致,那么,他的崇拜者就是不知不觉地助长了他吸毒的恶癖。If his death indeed brought about by cocaine, the habit had unwitting help from his admirers.

转基因食物没有经过适当检验就兜售给不知情的大众。Genetically modified foods have been foisted2 on an unwitting public without adequate testing.

如果他的死亡确实由可卡因所致,那么,他的崇拜者的推崇就不知不觉地助长了他吸毒的恶癖。If his death was indeed brought about by cocaine, the habit had unwitting help from his admirers.

你自己的Web行为也应当被保护,以免在不知情的情况下成为恶意软件作者的帮凶。Your own Web operations must also be protected from becoming unwitting accomplices to malware writers.

作为他的好朋友,我无意中成了第二次攻击和整起事件的罪魁祸首。And I, his good old friend, was the unwitting culprit behind the second attack, and the whole scenario.

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基普不仅没有能挽救泽思,而且无意中成为了杀死他唯一在世亲人的罪魁祸首。Kyp not only failed to rescue Zeth, but was the unwitting agent of his sole surviving relative's death.

对自由主义者而言,他们是被肆无忌惮的银行家和放贷者所蒙骗的人,不应对这场危机负责。For liberals, the unwitting dupes of unscrupulous bankers and lenders whom one shouldn't blame for the crisis.

西迪厄斯的计划极度复杂精密,因此他不能让手下的执行者在无意中识破计划,或妨碍计划实施。So complex were Sidious' plans that he could not allow unwitting agents to stumble upon them or otherwise interfere.

在一个非常的记者招待会上,希格斯讲述了在我们周围看似虚无缥缈的世界里鲜无人知的发现。In a rare interview, Higgs tells the story of his unwitting discovery of something in the emptiness that surrounds us.

二级欺负几乎和无意识欺负相同,都是当部门出现了一个连环欺负者时,人们就开始会做出的这样的表现。Secondary bullying is mostly unwitting bullying which people start exhibiting when there's a serial bully in the department.

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猎蝽通过模仿“食物”的振动方式,引诱蜘蛛进入其攻击范围,这点事利用了蜘蛛对振动的极度敏感。It exploits their keen sense for vibrations by mimicking the movements of prey—luring unwitting spiders into striking range.

熙贞在洗手间碰到佳恩,把亨俊前辈是会长儿子的一事告诉了不知情的佳恩。Xian zhen met beautiful grace in the bathroom, the huntsman told about the elder son is the President of the unwitting grace.

所有旅客均需在机场接受问询以检查是否存在不知情的病毒携带者。Travellers are being quested have been questioned at the airports in an effort to tackle down vi detect unwitting virus carriescarriers.