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硒是一种光电导物质。Selenium is a photoconductive substance.

食品摄入硒量过低易患咽喉癌和胃癌。Low selenium tied to throat, stomach cancers.

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有机硒排砷作用非常显著。Organic selenium affected excretion of arsenic obviously.

硒是人体必需的微量元素之一,对肿瘤有明显的抑制作用。Selenium is one of the necessary minim elements of human.

试验中的硒元素以亚硒酸钠的形式提供。The selenium are supplied in the form of sodium selenite.

缺硒会损害免疫系统的功能。Lack of selenium will impair the function of immune system.

放在中间的显影盘倒入伊尔福硒调色液。The tray in the centre will hold the HARMAN SELENIUM TONER.

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缺硒会使人体产生多种疾病。People may have many diseases because of lacking of selenium.

是硒元素将这些有益于皮肤健康的食物联系在了一起。The mineral selenium connects all these foods for healthy skin.

专家说,硒元素对皮肤细胞的健康有重要意义。Experts say selenium plays a key role in the health of skin cells.

硒元素是一种人体必需的微量元素。Selenium is one of the essential trace minerals in the human body.

日粮中添加硒对山羊瘤胃消化代谢的影响。Effects of vitamine and selenium on some rumen parameters in lambs.

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在大多数国家植物是含硒元素的主要食物。Plants are the major dietary sources of selenium in most countries.

我们通常从植物中获取矿物质比如硒和铜。We’d normally get minerals such as selenium and copper from plants.

许多食物都富含硒,比如巴西坚果,金枪鱼,面条都含有硒元素。Many foods, including brazil nuts, tuna and pasta, contain selenium.

患者经补硒治疗后的不良反应少且轻微。The adverse effects were less and moderate after selenium treatment.

亚硒酸钠降低亚砷酸钠诱导的微核率。Selenium may reduce the frequency of micronucleus induced by arsenite.

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它含有很多色氨酸,锰,铁,蛋白质和硒等元素。It contains a lot of tryptophan, manganese, iron, protein and selenium.

更重要的是,它含有较高的钾、维生素B、铁和硒。On top of that, it is high in potassium, B vitamins, iron, and selenium.

采用分光光度法,研究了四棱豆的硒含量。The selenium content in Winged Bean was determined by spectrophotometry.