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挥霍无度的人也不喜欢成为败家子。A spendthrift does not like being a spendthrift.

阿败家子将允许少数人垄断了她的注意。A spendthrift will allow a few people to monopolize her attention.

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布卢姆是个真正的滥情者。Bloom is a true emotional spendthrift who uses his feelings lavishly.

但是甚至在美国,最崇尚消费的国家,私人消费最终变得节俭起来。But even in the United States, the most spendthrift of nations, the private sector finally got religion.

小时候,父亲看我挥霍金钱的方式,常说钱把我的口袋烧了一个洞。When I was a boy, my dad observed my spendthrift ways and often said that money burned a hole in my pocket.

你是否是一个有所悔悟的挥霍浪费者,觉得所有这些节俭行为看起来是那么有吸引力?By Tara Conry Are you a repentant spendthrift who's thinking that all this frugality is looking pretty sexy?

如果你花钱大手大脚,在选择伴侣时可能就不由自主地渴望控制不良支出习惯。If you're a spendthrift picking amate, you might unconsciously be looking for help reining in badspending habits.

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即便较为温和的报道,也多多少少地将亚马逊描述成一家大手大脚或大肆挥霍的公司。Even some of the more muted coverage has, more or less, characterized Amazon as a shopaholic or spendthrift of sorts.

他认为,这种行为变化标志着从繁荣时期习惯于铺张挥霍到现在节约成为新消费文化的长期性转变。He believes this change in behaviour marks a long-term shift from the spendthrift habits of the boom to a savings culture.

但隐密的购物派对提供有钱阶级一个机会,让他们不必为了挥金如土感到内疚。But stealth parties offer the privileged a chance to consume without an inner censor chiding them for their spendthrift ways.

但如果西班牙的银行开始破产,经济开始萎缩,它就会变得跟南面这位挥霍无度的欧洲邻居没什么两样。But as those banks start blowing up and its economy shrinks, Spain will look more like its spendthrift southern European neighbor.

但是,正是他已故的父亲安德里·帕潘德里欧---挥霍浪费的泛希社运总理--在上世纪80年代用借贷热潮播下了希腊经济危机的种子。Yet it was his late father Andreas, a spendthrift Pasok premier, who sowed the seeds of Greece’s crisis with a borrowing spree in the 1980s.

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然而,自2003年卸任“爱家机构”的会长职务之后,杜布森却开始大肆利用起了他在过去漫长岁月中积累下来的政治资本。But since stepping down as head of Focus on the Family in 2003, he has been spendthrift with the political capital he took so long accumulating.

随着向年轻人发出更多的信用卡,这一数字还有可能会上升,作为独生子女的他们比上一代人更加挥霍。Such numbers are likely to rise as more cards are issued to young adults, who belong to China's one-child generation, seen as more spendthrift than older Chinese.

最初焦点反映的情况是,曾经挥霍无度的美国消费者已大幅勒紧荷包.美国消费者的财富已因房价挫跌而蒸发.The initial focus reflects the fact once spendthrift U.S. consumers, whose wealth has evaporated as the value of their homes have plummeted, have already largely shut their wallets.

加上中国受污染的水以及能源应用方面的挥霍,中国的空气对美国公司而言代表着一个闪光的机会。Along with the country's polluted water and spendthrift energy usage, China's air-you-can-taste represents a glittering opportunity for U.S. companies peddling environmental wonder gear.

在推翻性格冲动,挥霍无度的哥哥沙特的过程中,能力更强的费萨尔得到的最大支持来自苏戴瑞派系,阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹众多儿子中由同一个母亲所生,人数最多的一个分支。In overthrowing Saud, his impulsive, spendthrift older sibling, the more capable Faisal relied heavily on support from the Sudairis, the largest group of Abdul Aziz's sons born to the same mother.

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在推翻性格冲动,挥霍无度的哥哥沙特的过程中,能力更强的费萨尔得到的最大支持来自苏戴瑞派系,阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹众多儿子中由同一个母亲所生,人数最多的一个分支。In overthrowing Saud, his impulsive, spendthrift older sibling, the more capable Faisal relied heavily on support from the Sudairis, the largest group of Abdul Aziz’s sons born to the same mother.