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体操垫。Gymnastics mats.

日本人席地而坐。The Japanese sit on mats.

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椰棕可以制成垫子。Coconut fiber can be made into mats.

皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。The fur collar mats when it gets wet.

多年生肉质草本植物,形成垫状。Succulent perennial herb, forming mats.

请把桌上的盘碗垫擦一下。Please give the table mats a quick wipe.

准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席吗?Are sufficient dunnage and mats available?

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市面上其实有不少环保的瑜伽垫。There are great green yoga mats out there.

是的,准备了足够垫舱料和铺垫草席。Yes, sufficient dunnage and mats available.

我们没有给我们宝宝行李箱或者垫子。We're not using trunks or mats with our baby.

稻梗被制成篮子,席子和鞋。Rice stalks are made into baskets, mats and shoes.

阿斯汤加瑜伽垫具有良好的牵引力和耐用性。Ashtanga yoga mats have good traction and durability.

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门厅里一股子清煮白菜外带破草垫的味儿。The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.

没有台布或布草的桌垫。There is no need for tablecloths or linen place mats.

他用橡胶垫给机器消音。He deadened the noise of the machine with rubber mats.

你甚至都不能通过讲价搞到一张免费的车厢地毡。You can't even negotiate for a free set of floor mats.

木凳、柳条席、碗碟和各式各样的其他物品。Stools wicker mats food bowls and sundry other objects.

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生活方式,健身与健康有关体操垫。Lifestyle, fitness and health-related gymnastics "mats."

当我们在瑜伽垫上练习时,“非暴力”究竟是什么意思呢?But what does it mean to practice Ahimsa on our yoga mats?

员工是否有私人的床铺及被席?。Are workers provided with their own individual mats or beds?