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是一款果香浓郁,酒体适中且平衡的波尔多红葡萄酒。A mid-weight AOC Bordeaux, fruity, well-balanced and easy to enjoy.

在法国规定瓶盖顶上是绿色代表的是AOC或VDQS这个级别的。In France, the cap on top of green represents the AOC or VDQS this level.

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冠捷和AAC邮件是用来沟通的飞机和其基地。AOC and AAC messages are used to communicate between the aircraft and its base.

都有其受严格产量控制和限定的土地面积。One AOC corresponds to a geographical area that is both limited and controlled.

最后,本文用AOC演算给出了一个对象语言OL的语义描述。At last, the semantic description of object language OL is presented with AOC calculus.

建议签派在近两个月尽量不要安排B-XXXX过站时间短的航班。Suggest the AOC don't arrange the B-XXXX aircraft short time transit flight in recent two months.

迈特捷出租飞机有限公司则获发许可证,得使用HS125-700B型飞机经营不定期客运服务。Metrojet Limited was granted an AOC to operate non-scheduled passenger services using an HS125-700B.

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西班牙特有的葡萄坦普罗尼拉精心酿制,是和法国分级中的AOC级级别等同的DO级葡萄酒。This is made in tempranillo grape of Spain extractive, is equally AOC of France level of DO red wine.

玛歌产区内有二十一个顶级葡萄酒庄,比其他任何一个梅多克产区都要多。The Margaux AOC has twenty-one Cru Classé Châteaux, more than any of the other Médoc commune appellations.

随着气温进一步上升,这些法定产地法及类似规则肯定会面临更大挑战。As temperatures rise further, these AOC laws and kindred regulations are certain to face increased challenge.

呈现出红宝石般的精致色泽,散发者迷人的幽香。是一款果香浓郁,酒体适中且平衡的波尔多红葡萄酒。Rich ruby color, the wine has a good bouquet. A mid-weight AOC Bordeaux, fruity, well-balanced and easy to enjoy.

呈现出红宝石般的精致色泽,散发者迷人的幽香。是一款果香浓郁,酒体适中且平衡的波尔多红葡萄酒。Rich ruby colour, the wine has a good bouquet. A mid-weight AOC Bordeaux, fruity, well-balanced and easy to enjoy.

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车间都有一个国际认可的模式来管理和确保质量。The Quality Management Systems at every AOC manufacturing facility have been certified as meeting ISO 9002 standards.

自每一年的第三个星期四的午夜过一分钟开始,博若莱新酒被发放出来。是这一年中法国出产的第一个法定产区级别的葡萄酒。From 3rd Thursday of November, 1 minute past mid-night, the Beaujolais is released. The year's first AOC wines of France.

温度和余氯是管网中控制消毒副产物和AOC浓度的重要因素。Temperature and chlorine residual are the important factors that control the disinfection byproduct and AOC concentration.

一个有效的航空营运许可证管有任何新的航空公司,才能获得经营许可证的主要法律要求之一。The possession of a valid AOC is one of the main legal requirements for any new airline before it can obtain an operating license.

来自法国卡斯特12处著名酒庄之一的顶级AOC,至诚献予中国鉴赏家。The wine, which comes from one of the 12 famous French Castel wine estates, is a top AOC and sincere gift for Chinese connoisseurs.

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来自法国卡斯特12处著名酒庄之一的珍藏级AOC,愿献予新贵鉴赏家们一同品鉴。The wine, which comes from one of the 12 famous French Castel wine estates, is a precious AOC and excellent gift for noble connoisseurs.

因此要控制管网水中细菌的再生长,应将AOC的控制与消毒剂余量的控制相结合。Consequently, in order to control the bacterial regrowth, control of AOC shall be considered together with maintenance of residual chlorine.

为了分散风险,液晶电视品牌厂家会有多家的面板供应商,华映的客户包括三星、LG、船井和冠捷。LCD TV manufacturers often have a couple of panel suppliers in order to avoid the risks. The clients of CPTF including Samsung, LG, Funai, and AOC.