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抢救无效。All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

所有抢救措施都证明无效。All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

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格雷米。又一次表现得无能为力。他肯定会在夏天离开。Geremi. Ineffectual again. Surely he will move on in the summer.

迈克尔·伊姆普奥利过人的才华浪费在扮演一个无能的警察上。Michael Imperioli’s edgy talents are wasted as an ineffectual cop.

这会给市场负面信号,让他成为一个无能者。It would presumably rattle markets, while making him look ineffectual.

几年徒劳无益的服务,在论功行赏时就大有关系。The years of ineffectual service count big in the bestowal of rewards.

她难得优美地做偏头动作,她的双手也几乎没受过劳动摧残。She could scarcely toss her head gracefully. Her hands were almost ineffectual.

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这种让食品厂商给出允诺最后却不见成效的例子比比皆是。Such examples of ineffectual commitments on the part of the food industry abound.

1987年以前的法律就竭力解决第208条中的问题,但效果不明显。Pre-1987 law made an ineffectual effort to grapple with the problem in section 208.

当代教会常常只是发出微弱、无效、动摇不定的声音。The contemporary Church is so often a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound.

他们徒劳无益地试了两三次之后,只见汤姆摇晃了两下,又扑通一声摔倒在地。After their two or three ineffectual attempts, Tom reeled, and fell heavily to the ground.

与其逃避一个无能的上司,不如重点看看你可以做什么来取代他。Rather than giving up on an ineffectual boss, focus on what you can do to fill in the holes.

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他眼看着飞鱼一次又一次地从水面跳起来,以及鸟徒劳无功的行动。He watched the flying fish burst out again and again and the ineffectual movements of the bird.

但这还是不足以解释疾病症状减轻的原因。However, this does not explain how the ineffectual pills actually cause a reduction in symptoms.

他们提名纽约的奥尔顿·帕克法官为候选人。他是一位既无名望又无能耐的三流政客。They nominated Judge Alton Parker of New York, an obscure and ineffectual third-rate politician.

金妮用飞机上提供的不起作用的小毯子把自己围起来,把包裹紧紧贴在胸前。Ginny wrapped herself in the tiny and ineffectual airline blanket and clutched the package to her chest.

是的,威尔逊得到国际联盟好评——对阻止战争没有起到任何作用的机构。Yes, Wilson gets credit for the League of Nations – that ineffectual body which did nothing to prevent war.

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升井后经抢救无效死亡的和井下已发现遇难遗体的矿工共计73人。The deaths from ineffectual rescue after ascending the well and from underground aerial tramway count up to 73.

不过,我们也目睹了在政治以及其他领域当中,许多诚实的领导人竟然能力不佳。But we have also seen plenty of examples in politics and elsewhere of honest leaders who were surprisingly ineffectual.

但是,这样的审查收效甚微,而且实际上对于那些最为“危险”思想的访问也未能严格限制住。However, such censorship is ineffectual and fails to substantively restrict access to even the most "threatening" ideas.