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还有白色,真正的白色,质朴无华,完美无瑕。And white, true white, pristine and unblemished.

我质朴的父兄,向来不善言辞。I pristine father and brother, always ineloquent.

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没有一个人是用纯洁而无偏见的眼光看待世界。No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes.

不巧的是,苏格兰有原始的河流。Scotland, not coincidentally, has pristine rivers.

晶莹剔透的水域和原始的珊瑚礁围绕着该岛。Crystal waters and pristine reefs surround the island.

岸边一带林木蓊郁,嫩绿一片,好一个山外的小海湾。The shore line is wooded, olive-green, a pristine cove.

樟宜沙滩其实是一个拥有着水清沙幼的沙滩群的美丽海岸。Changi Beach is a beautiful coast, with pristine white beaches.

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它出奇的洁净,燃烧时排放出基本上是新鲜的蒸汽。It is wondrously clean, emitting mainly pristine steam when burned.

在这里,我带着呼吸器跳入没有被旅游人群接触过的原始海域。Here, I scuba dived in pristine waters untouched by the tourist crowds.

过去,长滩岛是一个人迹罕至、白砂弥望、水体清澈的绿洲。Boracay used to be a near-empty oasis of white sand and pristine waters.

质朴的粗布麻衣在这里,远远胜过虚张声势的绫罗绸缎。Pristine Cubu Mai here, far better than an empty show of the Ling-satin.

该岛拥有数英里的原始海滨,大部分地区还没有开发。Much of the island remains undeveloped and has miles of pristine beaches.

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这里有长达12公里的曼妙原生态海岸线,一边银滩,一边礁岩。It owns a pristine coastline of 12 km, combined with silver beach and cay.

到野外一游,到美丽的国家公园或原始海滩去看一看。Take a trip to the wilderness, a fabulous national park or pristine beach.

原来的质朴,超过2380页的情况下,可以找到这里。The pristine original, with over 2380 pages of context , can be found here.

这是地球上最后一片原始的水生态系统,决不能被摧毁。This is the last pristine marine system on Earth and it could get destroyed.

一群鱼儿游经东帝汶东岸的原始珊瑚礁。A group of fish swims by a pristine coral reef along East Timor's East coast.

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的确,部分瓶装水来自于清亮的泉水或其它的自然水源。Yes, some bottled water comes from sparkling springs and other pristine sources.

相比之下,彗星则相对原始——至少在它们的外壳之下是原始的。Comets, by contrast, are relatively pristine — at least, below their outer crust.

她们背后的驻颜秘诀就是珍珠粉。The secret behind the pristine complexion of these exotic women was Pearl Powder.