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斯万卡还是个运动员。Swank is also an athlete.

我一直在斯旺克和喜欢它。I've been swank and lovin' it.

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其它高级郊区住宅区也在我们的名单中。Other swank suburbs made our list.

希拉里?斯万克获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖项。Hilary Swank won the Oscar Award for best actress.

斯万卡出生于华盛顿州,或者可能是内布拉斯加州。Swank was born in Washington State, or perhaps Nebraska.

对于希拉里。斯万克而言,转变形象是她一直都在做的事情。Transformation is all part of the job as far as Hilary Swank is concerned.

希拉里·斯万克则击败了她的奥斯卡竞争对手而荣获最佳女主角奖。Hilary Swank bettered her Oscar odds by taking home the best dramatic actresshonors.

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有一次我去看到他在红木城的NeXT新办事处,”他回忆说。"One time I went to see him in NeXT's swank new offices in Redwood City, " he recalls.

希拉里·斯万克证明着红毯上应该摆放更多的鸵鸟饰品。Hilary Swank proving that there ought to be far more ostrich tributes on the red carpet

我觉得希拉里·斯万克要是能把名字改成葛洛里亚,一定更能更有男人缘的。I think Hilary Swank would make herself more accessible to men if she changed her forename to Gloria.

在加州大学的戴维斯分校,工程师们重新利用来自斯旺克湾区餐馆的饭桌残余食物。At the University of California at Davis, engineers have repurposed table scraps from swank Bay Area restaurants.

新投资者包括芝加哥金融家山姆•泽尔、演员希拉里•斯万克和购物中心大亨赫伯•西蒙。New investors include Sam Zell, the Chicago financier, actress Hillary Swank and Herb Simon, the shopping mall magnate.

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他花了很多年,旅游,和工作了,而在伦敦的史旺,萨伏伊饭店,他获得了赞赏细微的东西,在生活中。He spent many years Traveling, and worked for a while in London's swank Savoy Hotel where he gained an appreciation for the finer things in life.

至少它对于大卫卡特是这样的,著名的英国设计师,他最近在伦敦市中心的精品酒店炫耀他的安妮女王排屋。At least it is to David Carter, a renowned English designer who recently turned his Queen Anne townhouse into a swank boutique hotel in the heart of London.

贝鲁特有超级酷的酒吧,优雅的餐厅,冷酷的爵士会馆,顶尖的设计师的服装商店,还有友好,亲切的星巴克咖啡。Beirut has super-cool clubs, swank restaurants, cool underground jazz joints, tip-top designer-clothes shopping and even a friendly, familiar Starbucks or two.

她最近描绘航空先驱埃尔哈特和斯旺克获得了1999年的男孩,她的两个最好的女演员布兰顿蒂纳谋杀受害者奥斯卡先别哭泣。She recently portrayed aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart and Swank won the first of her two Best Actress Oscars as murder victim Brandon Teena in 1999's Boys Don't Cry.

穿过小城就是倍力健身俱乐部,一家比较有名气的俱乐部,位于金融区的中心地带,它于九年前开张,充当了当地政府和美国伙伴关系的中间人。Across town is Bally Total Fitness, a swank gym in the heart of the financial district that opened nine years ago as a partnership between the local government and a U. S. chain.

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据好莱坞记者说,罗伯特·德尼罗,米歇尔·菲佛,希拉里·斯旺克和库彻正在与制片人的洽谈,拍续集的演员阵容同样一流。The cast for the follow-up looks similarly stellar, with Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank and Kutcher in negotiations with the film-makers, according to the Hollywood Reporter.