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你会怎样总结你在日本蓝带国际学院的学习经历?How would you sum up your experience at Le Cordon Bleu Japan?

同时,他还在巴黎著名的考敦·布鲁学校学习过烹饪。Alongside this there was his cooking study at the famed Cordon Bleu School in Paris.

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布鲁和其他剧组成员去年刚举行了一个40个城市的巡回音乐会。Bleu and his cast mates have just spent the last year playing a 40-city concert tour.

他身穿无袖汗衫和蓝色棉布工作裤,脚上套着双地毯拖鞋。He was wearing a sleeveless vest, cotton bleu de travail trousers, and carpet slippers.

我应该知道这一点,因为我们之后好一阵子都在吃剩下的鸡排。I should know because we were eating leftover chicken cordon bleu for some time afterward.

更重要的是,通过引入模糊匹配,BLEU的性能得到显著的提高。More importantly, the performance of BLEU is significantly improved by integrating fuzzy matching.

混合的番茄碎和美式香辣酱,马苏里拉奶酪,鸡肉,洋葱和蓝奶酪。Blended buffalo and tomato sauce, loaded with mozzarella, chicken, and red onion, topped with Bleu cheese.

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蓝带马爹利干邑酒味香醇,色调丰厚,是全球最受欢迎的高级干邑葡萄酒佳酿之一。Martell Cordon Bleu cognac alcohol mellow, rich tone, is the world's most popular wine of the High cognac wine.

尽管拥有顶级厨师随时待命,但他经常会溜出白宫去买汉堡。He regularly slips out of the White House to buy a burger, despite having a cordon bleu chef at his beck and call.

炸猪排夹配火腿芝士馅,配欧芹土豆和酸梅酱,配小份沙拉。"Cordon bleu"-with ham and cheese stuffed escalope of pork, served with parsley potatoes, cranberries and a small salad.

“乐珀蒂利夫雷蓝天”的重点是后面的人明确,原蓝精灵作家皮埃尔Culliford,又名Peyo神秘的卡通片。"Le Petit Livre Bleu" focuses specifically on the man behind the cryptic cartoons, original Smurf author Pierre Culliford, aka Peyo.

完成了蓝带面包文凭课程并出版了一本书是我人生中的两大亮点。Completing the Diploma in Boulangerie course in Le Cordon Bleu and having a book published were two of the key highlights in my life.

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我长这么大还从没学过烹饪,所以我去泰国蓝带厨艺学校学习了基本的烹饪技术。I grew up without having any cooking skills at all so I decided to start learning the basic skills at Le Cordon Bleu Dusit Culinary School.

实验结果表明,这些调序及预翻译操作可以显著地提高基于短语的统计机器翻译的英文译文结果的BLEU值。Experimental results show that the reordering and pre-translation can significantly improve the BLEU values of the English translation by PBSMT.

当然我肯定不吃蓝纹起司,但如果我吃的是意大利沙拉酱,我就无法确认所有的原料都是生的和素的。I am certainly not eating bleu cheese dressing but if I have an Italian dressing I am not going to be able to confirm that all ingredients are raw and vegan.

该模型的实验结果比经典的短语统计翻译模型的BLEU评分有明显提高。Experimental results show that the BLEU scores of the translation results were significantly improved compared with a conventional statistical phrase-based model.

事实上是三个,学生同时还可以获得法国蓝带学院的厨艺餐饮大专文凭。这个在说明书中并未注明,但最后学生可获得这个文凭。Actually it is three– the student will also receive a Diploma Culinaire from Le Cordon Bleu – this is not promoted in the prospectus, but is awarded to the student.

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蓝带学院美食旅游专业硕士的学习让我有机会把自己在执行健康领域的经验融入这个一致认可的研究生学历的学习当中。The Le Cordon Bleu Master of Gastronomic Tourism gives me an opportunity to distil my life experiences in the executive wellness arena into a recognized postgraduate qualification.

是的,我们先上些开胃甜品,接着是汤和沙拉,然后主菜是上等的排骨或一流厨师烧的鸡,最后是各种美味的餐后甜点。Yes, we'll start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course, then main dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken, and finish up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort.

当他夜里回家时,他从冰箱里给自己做了个牛肉饼汉堡,他把蘑菇撒在上面并涂满蓝菌奶酪。When he gets back home that night, he makes himself a hamburger from ground beef he left to thaw in the fridge. He sautés mushrooms to go on top, and sprinkles it all with bleu cheese.