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在范围定义上的涉众协作Stakeholder concurrence on scope definition

数个派系的联合使这个法案得以通过。The concurrence of several factions got the bill passed.

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阴谋犯是一种法规竞合犯的形态。The offense of conspiracy is a kind of concurrence of articles of law.

巧幸得很,树木的生长习性与设计上的需求正好相符。It is a fortunate concurrence of growth habitat and design requirements.

这是圣经的模式,也是落在协同运作的教义范畴内的。This is the biblical model and would fall under the doctrine of concurrence.

但是,拿手机的时候没有,而这是同时发生的先决条件。But not at the time of the taking, which is the prerequisite for concurrence.

涉众在规模、需求,限制以及进度评估上的合作。Stakeholder concurrence on scope, requirements, constraints, and schedule estimates.

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事实上,我们不能想象美俄关系在普金居于权力核心时得到改善。to the contrary we cannot imagine improved US-Russian relations with his concurrence.

随着中国工伤保险制度的不断发展和完善,职工的合法权益得到了保证。However, there is no any regulation of insurance concurrence within the legal system of China.

违约责任与侵权责任竞合是中外民法学界长期争论的话题。Concurrence between liability for breaching contract and tort has long been a controversial issue.

最后基于灰度共生矩阵法对锈斑进行了纹理分析。This dissertation employs gray-scale concurrence matrix as a tool to analyze texture of rusts as well.

侵权法上欺诈的受害人享有双重请求权,形成请求权的竞合。The victim enjoy double request right on the same content, forming the concurrence of right to petition.

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松散粒状黄铁矿和胶状黄铁矿同时出现是已经停止活动的烟囱物特征。Concurrence of loose granular and colloform pyrites are the characteristics of the stopped-active chimney.

它使用句子水平的同时出现作为单词间关系存在的一种统计替代。It uses sentence-level concurrence as a statistical surrogate for the existence of relationship between the words.

简单地说,相关性就是犯罪行为和犯罪心理之间必须有联系。Concurrence simply means that the actus reus and mens rea must be connected The results of a crime can occur later.

因此,句子水平的同时出现能够用作单词之间关系存在的一种替代。Therefore, sentence-level concurrence can be used as a surrogate for existence of the relationship between the words.

现任者可以由议会三分之二投票,经由最高法院同意其免职。The incumbent may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of parliament, with the concurrence of the Supreme Court.

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就我们知识所及,同时发生先天性脸颊软骨残余及两侧性副耳珠的病历报告十分罕见。To our knowledge, concurrence of congenital cartilaginous rest of the cheek and bilateral acces-sory tragic is very rare.

就我们知识所及,同时发生先天性脸颊软骨残馀及两侧性副耳珠的病历报告十分罕见。To our knowledge, concurrence of congenital cartilaginous rest of the cheek and bilateral acces- sory tragic is very rare.

而无序量子伊辛链的协作参量的导数在相变点的峰值不随系统的增大而增大。But in random and some general fibonacci quantum Ising chain, concurrence does not diverge logarithmically with system size.