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从出生婴儿的使用,直到能够坐在直立无辅助。Use from birth until baby is able to sit upright unassisted.

它的精美脆,感觉无人,快速和轻。It's beautifully crisp, feeling unassisted , quick and light.

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宠物独立杀死怪物,你不会获得任何声望。Unassisted pet kills will yield any reputation gains associated with the mob.

大部分的矿工不能独立行走,还有一些被抬在担架上。Most of the miners were unable to walk unassisted and some were placed on stretchers.

她的病情已经好转了很多,不过走路还是需要有人协助。She is doing much better, but it will still be a while before she can walk unassisted.

这第一次证明了,不借助外力的人声确实可以震碎玻璃,这段影像被拍摄了下来。For the first time, proof that an unassisted voice can indeed shatter glass was captured on video.

工程团队在没有集成与测试团队的帮助下完成了首先两个完整系统的试验版本。The engineering team did the first two trial runs of the full system build unassisted by the I&T team.

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莉波提在生产中心生了她的第一胎,但是她第二胎和第三胎都是在家中自己生的。Liberty had her first child in a birthing centre. But she had her second and third at home, unassisted.

他无法告诉别人他是如何知道的,他可以看,却不能说,甚至不能自己坐起来。He could see, but not speak, could not even sit up unassisted . Yet, he knew when it was his day to go ride.

旧形而上学中的理性神学部分,其目的在于确定理性的本身究竟能够认识上帝到什么限度。The object of the old metaphysical theology was to see how far unassisted reason could go in the knowledge of God.

她将在无协助情况下独自航行,但同时也将通过无线电、邮件及博客与她的支持团队保持联系。She will sail solo and unassisted but will be in constant contact with her support team via radio, email and a blog.

上万人参加了开幕式的表演,还有一个喷气推进的火箭飞人,在没有任何协助的情况下,在体育场上空畅游。The opening ceremony included 10,000 performers as well as a jet propelled rocket man who flew unassisted above the athletic field.

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发育指标包括没有支撑的坐下,爬行,对于声音的回应,从杯子里喝水,不需扶持地走路。Developmental markers included sitting up without support, crawling, responding to sounds, drinking from a cup, or walking unassisted.

当我在想像中把它们那种甚至无须嘴唇的帮助就能传情达意的能力归因于它们具有一种知觉力时,我禁不住浑身发抖。I shuddered as I assigned to them in imagination a sensitive and sentient power, and even when unassisted by the lips, a capability of moral expression.

然后,她从手术台上不用扶就起身了,还一边感谢了外科医生和二位针灸师,接着走出去对吃惊的观察者一边挥手示意一边微笑。Then she rose unassisted from the operating table, thanked the surgeon and the two acupuncturists, and walked out, waving and smiling at the amazed observers.

前进端永里帮助日本避免停业,拍岸左足攻入背面的网从近距离对外援的目标79分钟。Forward yuki nagasato helped japan avoid the shutout pounding a left-footed drive into the back of the net from close range for an unassisted goal in the79th minute.

中尉没有丝毫犹豫,立即一边用卡宾枪开火一边冲进房门,打伤了这7名敌军中的3人并全部俘虏了他们。Bloch, unassisted , rushed through the door into a hail of small-arms fire, firing his carbine from the hip, and captured the 7 occupants, wounding 3 of them. 1st Lt.

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蒙特梭利发明的每一种装置、每一项练习和每一种方法都是基于她观察到孩子们能够自主地、自然地所做的事情,而不需要成年人的帮助。Every piece of equipment, every exercise, every method Montessori developed was based on what she observed children to do "naturally, " by themselves, unassisted by adults.

年轻的巴西人当年没用人扶就自己上了球队大巴,但曼联还是让这个20岁的年轻人第二天去做检查。The young Brazilian did manage to limp unassisted onto the United team bus that evening, but the Reds still sent the 20-year-old for a precautionary scan the following day.

一类短命小说也有可能导致是该速记员的学校要求,由本机的小说几乎无助的组成作出的努力。A class of ephemeral fiction has resulted which might well be called that of the stenographers' school, consisting of novels made by the almost unassisted efforts of the machine.