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那是一块乒乓球拍。That is a table tennis racket.

赛后,戴门蒂耶娃仍然心有余悸,“我不能为澳网比赛继续热身,甚至我都很难再挥动球拍”。I couldn't even hold my racket.

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他讨厌过现代生活中那种花天酒地的生活。He hates the racket of modem life.

我可以试用你的羽毛球拍吗?Can I try you new badminton racket?

我意识到,理想的美是一种噱头。I realised ideal beauty is a racket.

我能用一下你的新羽毛球拍吗?Can I try your new badminton racket ?

我把网球拍上的一根绷绳给弄断了.I have broken a string in my tennis racket.

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我的手因握球拍而起了水疱。My hands blistered from holding the racket.

他因敲诈被捕入狱。They're involved in a drug-smuggling racket.

羽毛球拍上线要多长时间?How longtime should the line be on the racket?

他的妻子年轻时经常过着花天酒地的生活。His wife used to racket about when she was young.

孩子们总是在院子里吵吵闹闹。The children always racket about in the courtyard.

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毋庸置疑,大家都知道情人节是个骗钱的玩意儿。Sure, we all know that Valentine's Day is a racket.

这种乌七八糟的东西,应该首先禁掉。That filthy racket should be the first thing we ban.

最终,他愤怒地把拍子摔到地上。At the end he cracked his racket onthe ground in fury.

这样,球网和球拍给她双重的保护。This way both the net and her racket head protect her.

一位愤怒的球员将他的球拍踢向了看台。A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.

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外公眼疾手快,立刻用球拍把球打了回来。Grandpa load, immediately hit the ball with the racket.

裘口哨吹得呼呼响,正在大闹天宫似地作准备。Jo would whistle and made a great racket getting ready.

在最短的时间内钻过网球拍三次Fastest Time to Pass Through a Tennis Racket Three Times