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我是一个极端好战的人。I'm an extremely combative person.

很多的的对话都好像挺针锋相对的。A lot of the dialog seems to be combative.

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还有少数几家公司页面看起来杀气腾腾。A few corporate pages have seemed combative.

她的冷若冰霜也许激起了他好胜的灵魂。Her indifference aroused perhaps his combative soul.

乌里韦先生的反应是怒发冲冠。Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative.

奥巴马总统近来了更有战斗性的语调。Mr. Obama has recently adopted a more combative tone.

看它们的战斗,就像一场疯狂的格斗游戏。Seeing them fighting, it looks like a mad combative game.

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够杀气,拔刀兄的摄影功夫也不错呀!Combative , brother Badao your photography is really not bad!

如果一只英国球队有攻击的质量,他们将会变得非常杀气腾腾。If a team in England has quality in attack, they can be very a combative team.

有些人担心,她的处事风格是否适合前座议员那种唇枪舌战的要求。Some worry whether her style will suit the combative demands of the frontbench role.

他以激烈的态度为“普通”美国人谋利益,并使这种做法成为民主党的一个主要诉求。His combative advocacy for “ordinary” Americans became a main theme of the Democrats.

世人将需要一段时间才能对特朗普好斗演说的语调和内容反应过来。It will take a while for the tone and content of Mr Trump's combative address to sink in.

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因为他们有着很多最高层房子,那些计划很少依附于少就是多的理论。He probably would have continued to strut his stuff for a lot longer had he been less combative.

尽管埃利森以好斗和直言不讳而着称,但分析师表示,其所公开发表的尖刻言论,并非只是在恫吓对手.Although Ellison is famously combative and outspoken, analysts say the public vitriol is not mere bluster.

他们将用好斗的分裂主义来替代高效的乐观主义,而历史告诉我们,后者总是通往胜利,前者却永远导致失败。They will have traded dynamic optimism, which always wins, for combative divisiveness, which always loses.

如果某人接近老龟,小河马立即会表现出愤怒好斗的样子,保护自己的“妈妈”。If a person close to turtle, hippo will immediately show anger combative appearance, Guarding their own "mother."

不过贝纳随后在俄亥俄对记者的讲话中,对白宫和参议院民主党人的语气就有些不客气.But speaking later to reporters in Ohio, Boehner struck a combative tone toward the White House and Senate Democrats.

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虽然此后有些好转,但是在别人告诉他怎样保护森林时他还是表现出自己好斗的一面。Things have improved somewhat since, but Mr Maggi still takes a combative approach to being told what to do by greens.

我不说这些事情,是因为我相信残忍的人类本性或是人必须要残忍以具有竞争力。I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative.

雅罗斯瓦夫?卡钦斯基和他的弟弟莱赫都因对波兰历史上敌人采取的敌对态度而闻名。Both Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his brother Lech have been known for their combative attitude toward Poland's historical enemies.