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这位军医能讲几句洋泾浜的越南语,护士也能讲几句半生不熟的法语。The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering of highschool French.

持股者承认的是没有大型社区就无法将那些资产套现。But it wasn't able to leverage those offerings with the relative smattering of users it had.

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不说在叙利亚旅行懂一点点阿拉伯语就行,实在很直截了当。Which is not to say travelling in Syria with only a smattering of Arabic is entirely straightforward.

简单的语法,浅显的关键词,这是对通用冯·诺伊曼,约翰机器最精彩的描述。A simple syntax, a smattering of keywords, an almost perfect description of a general Von Neumann machine.

这张定时拍摄的图片揭露了少数的星星点缀下的亚历山大国家公园。A time-lapse photo reveals a smattering of stars dotting the sky above Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

一个年轻男孩,雀鹰,靠着从身为当地女巫的姨妈那儿学来的半点儿魔法拯救村。A young boy known as Sparrowhawk saves his village with a smattering of magic he learned from his aunt, a local witch.

塑料筐里装着法国书籍及少数的英国书,很多都是电影和电视图片册。Plastic crates held French books as well as a smattering of English titles, mostly movie and television picture volumes.

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种植者应该推广的是已经过实践检验的品种和少数新品靓品。What growers should be promoting are perennials that are tried and true with a smattering of some of these new, sexy things.

Skinbook的会员资格是免费的,由于有几个与天体主义有关的广告出现在网页上,网站设法从它获得利益。Membership is free on Skinbook, which manages to turn a small profit thanks to a smattering of nudist-related ads on the site.

除了图中绿色的部分,这些气候严寒,主要为岩石构造的岛屿上,只有极少数低矮植物可以生存。Despite the green hues in this image, these rocky islands are too cold to sustain more than a smattering of low-growing vegetation.

鹈鹕队此次买卖都没有付出什么重要的球员,而一些选秀权对于考辛斯的买卖来说也是值得的。The Pelicans are making the deal without giving up any notable players, and any smattering of draft picks seems appropriate for Cousins.

鹈鹕队此次交易都没有付出什么重要的球员,而一些选秀权对于考辛斯的交易来说也是值得的。The Pelicans are making the deal without giving up any notable players, and any smattering of draft picks seems appropriate for Cousins.

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也有一些酒店和商场物业投资,以及一些零散的工业物业,没有太多地投资于个人住宅There are also some hotel investments,retail properties, smattering of industrial properties not a lot of exposure to individual houses.

但是,在对所有知识都一知半解的基础上,学生应该深入钻研某一学科,体味这一学科的酸、甜、苦、辣。But over and above this exciting smattering of knowledge, students should bite deeply into at least one subject and taste its full flavor.

“我很高兴听见这话,”回答是,“我这一点知识能让我找到了通向真理的捷径,真叫人安慰。"I am glad to hear it," was the answer. "That my smattering of knowledge should enable me to short-cut my way to truth is most reassuring.

西吉认为,现时各公司均处于弱势,而买入领先的科技股的看跌期权正是好时机。Hickey sees weakness all about and opportunities to take advantage by buying puts on technology leaders. Here’s a smattering of his discoveries

这里不仅仅具有蓝色,下列的颜色现在也被使用去表示特别的提醒或改变It’s not just a smattering of blue for the sake of it, either. The following colours are now used to denote specific alerts or changes in state

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我父亲在一个德国人为主的社区里长大,略懂德语,在我年轻的时候曾用德语逗我玩。My father grew up in a largely German neighborhood and acquired a smattering of the language, with which he would playfully regale me in my youth.

像往常一样,一个项目的纪录片也是一知半解特色,今年的IFFCON面板生产线项目还包括良好的非小说类的代表性。As usual, a smattering of documentary projects also was featured, and this year's IFFCON panel line-up also included good non-fiction representation.

有了对路的社交润滑剂,各用一点点最破的对方语言,加上一支笔画图示意,就能令人惊奇地顺畅交流。With the correct social lubrication, it's amazing how well you can communicate with just a smattering of each other's language and a pen to draw pictures.