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变到大调Change to major.

我是学文科的。I major in arts.

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今天大考。Major test today.

你主修什么专来?What 's your major?

英语是我的主修科目。English is my major.

她的主修科目是法语。Her major is French.

我学的专业英语。My major is english.

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我的专业是化学.I major in Chemistry.

物理是他的主修科目。Physics is his major.

他是历史专业的学生。He is a history major.

大调和小调Okay. Major and minor.

物理是他的主修科目。Physics was his major.

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物理是他的主修科目。His major is chemistry.

法律专业者优先。Major law is preferred.

这是一个很大的转变。There is a major shift.

这是一个重要更新。This is a major update.

我们犯了大错。We made major mistakes.

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那么,这段就是大调So, there it's in major.

这是一个主要的陷阱。This is a major pitfall.

哇哦!你的专业是什么?Wow!What do you major in?