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我们知道了那个盲传教士。We have the blind preacher.

如果你依赖某一位讲员或传道人。If you rely on a preacher or minister.

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这位布道者正在该州巡回布道。The preacher was circuiting about the state.

“我们不能独行,”牧师呼吁道。"We cannot walk alone, " the preacher cried.

传学士对着教师的茶杯说教。The preacher preached to the teacher's teacup.

传教士对着老师的茶杯说教.The preacher preached to the teacher’s teacup.

传教士市镇慷慨词。A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre.

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从前,有一个酷爱打高尔夫球的牧师。There was this preacher who was an avid golfer.

传教士对著老师的茶杯说教。The preacher sermonized to the teacher's teacup.

我传道者在耶路撒冷作过以色列的王。I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

传教士要伐树、犁田。The preacher had to fell trees and plough fields.

讲道者的信念,使听者扎心知罪,认识真理。Conviction of preacher passes into truth of hearers.

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对肱二头肌,我推荐哑铃弯举。For biceps I recommend doing dumbbell preacher curls.

牧师进一步阐述了兄弟般情谊这个主题。The preacher amplified on the theme of brotherly love.

他特别敬重作家和传教师。He particularly reverenced the writer and the preacher.

仪式过后,师父与讲道者交谈起来。After the service the Master and the preacher conversed.

我们是否经常为自己的牧者、同工和福音得以广传祷告呢?Are we praying enough for the preacher and the preaching?

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记住今天在教堂新来的年轻牧师所说的话。Remember what that new young preacher said in church today.

之前她在田纳西州杀死了她的传道士丈夫。She is the woman who killed her preacher husband in Tennessee.

坐在这德行法师跟前的年轻人并没有白坐。And not in vain did the youths sit before the preacher of virtue.