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24年获得自治地许可证,于38'年成为汉萨同盟的一部分。Chartered in 24, it became part of the Hanseatic League in 38'.

1241年获得自治地许可证,于1386年成为汉萨同盟的一部分。Chartered in1241, it became part of the Hanseatic League in1386.

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汉萨商人对英国产生的影响不应忽视。The Hanseatic merchants had great influence on England during their stay there.

该市由条顿骑士团于255年建立,340年加入汉萨同盟。It was founded in 255 by the Teutonic Knights and joined the Hanseatic League in 340.

修正了汉萨同盟,只有波罗地海沿岸势力才能建造总部。Fixed Hanseatic League, now only factions around the Baltic can build the headquarters.

第三章考察了汉萨商人在英国影响的消退。The third chapter examines the vanishing of the Hanseatic merchants' impact on England.

这里所说的普鲁士不包括汉萨同盟的城市,如不来梅港市,汉堡等Prussia did not include the Hanseatic League cities, such as Bremen and Hamburg and the others.

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这里所说的普鲁士不包括汉萨同盟的城市,如不来梅港市,汉堡等。Prussia did not include the Hanseatic League cities, such as Bremen and Hamburg and the others.

这里所说的普鲁士不包括汉萨同盟的城市,如不来梅港市,汉堡等缱。Prussia a did not include the Hanseatic League cities, such as Bremen and Hamburg and the others.

汉萨同盟是德国北部城市组建的社会经济同盟,在欧洲中世纪历史上具有举足轻重的影响。The Hanseatic League was a social and economic league established in the cities of north Germany.

第一章论述汉萨商人进入英国的历史背景。The first chapter reveals the historical background of Hanseatic merchants entering into Britain.

13世纪明登加入汉萨同盟,1814年转由普鲁士管辖。Minden joined the Hanseatic League in the13th century and passed to Prussia in1814. Population, 75, 419.

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是一个主要的港口和中世纪时汉撒同盟中的领导成员。It is a major port and was a leading member of the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages. Population, 530, 520.

早在805年就已闻名,在13世纪批准设市,并且成为汉撒盟的主要城市之一。Known as early as 805 it was chartered in the 13th century and became one of the chief cities of the Hanseatic League.

早在805年就已闻名,在3世纪批准设市,并且成为汉撒盟的主要城市之一。Known as early as 805, it was chartered in the 3th century and became one of the chief cities of the Hanseatic League.

汉撒同盟成员之一,在中世纪是著名的学术中心。A member of the Hanseatic League, it was a noted center of piety and learning during the Middle Ages. Population, '4,823.

汉撒同盟成员之一,在中世纪是著名的学术中心。A member of the Hanseatic League, it was a noted center of piety and learning during the Middle Ages. Population, 64,823.

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基尔于1242年被特许建立,1284年加入自由日尔曼城市商人联盟,1773年转入丹麦,1866年曾被普鲁士占有。Chartered in 1242, Kiel joined the Hanseatic League in 1284, passed to Denmark in 1773, and was annexed by Prussia in 1866.

第二章论述汉萨同盟兴盛时期其商人在英国的活动。The second chapter explains the merchants' business activities in England during the prosperous period of Hanseatic League.

首次见于记载是885年,从3世纪到7世纪十分繁荣,为汉撒同盟的一员。First mentioned c. 885, it flourished from the 3th to the 7th century as a member of the Hanseatic League. Population, 579, '97.