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食用臭粉拌匀。Mix fl our with baking powder.

滴漏式咖啡,液体7盎司,115-175毫克Drip coffee, 7 fl oz., 115-175 mg

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可口可乐,液体12盎司,34毫克Coca-Cola Classic, 12 fl oz., 34 mg

渗出式咖啡,液体7盎司,80-135毫克Percolated coffee, 7 fl oz., 80-135 mg

低因咖啡,液体7盎司,5-15毫克Decaffeinated coffee, 7 fl oz., 5-15 mg

加入8液体盎司的原汤并煮沸。Add 8 fl oz stock and bring to the boil.

保持高度层160,你仍然在中国空域里。Maintain FL 160 you still in Chinese space.

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雅芳多远的梦想香水喷雾1.7佛罗里达州。盎司。Avon Far Away Dreams Eau de Parfum Spray 1.7 fl. oz.

特雷西·麦克格雷迪,昵称“麦迪”,生于佛罗里达州的巴托。Tracy McGrady, nicknamed T-Mac, was born in Bartow, Fl.

每损失一磅你应该喝20到24盎司的水。You should drink 20 to 24 fl oz. of water for every pound lost.

迈阿密和迈阿密海滩排屋房地产销售佛罗里达迈阿密外语。Miami real estate and miami beach condos for sale in Miami Florida FL.

这项活动是所设的塞米诺尔硬岩赌场在好莱坞,佛罗里达州。The event is hosted by the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, FL.

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新的地点是佛罗里达奥兰多的华特迪士尼世界海豚度假酒店。The new venue is the The Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando, FL.

他被要求向按下一个按钮,每一次不规则闪光灯一闪。Hew as asked to press a button every time an irregular strobe light fl ashed.

FL溶液中加入纳米银,FL分子吸收峰位发生红移。The absorption peak of FL was red shifted when silver nanoparticles were added.

当船漂过狭口时,穿大衣的山羊朝目的走去。When the boat fl oats through the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to the goal.

然后当你绘完之后,把它翻到前面然后重复这个过程。Then when you have finished, fl ip it to the Front Buffer and repeat the process.

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在外语教学过程中,学习者的元语言意识是一个重要元认知构成。The metalinguistic awareness is a key meta-cognition element in the FL instruction.

我相信,因为在德州和南佛罗里达州,拉丁裔已经占多数了。I can believe that, because in TX and and south FL hispanics are already the majority.

在某些BM标本,弱表达的CD200可以从背景原始细胞中区分出FL细胞。In some BM specimens, dim CD200 could distinguish FL cells from background hematogones.