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SAS为多汗,静坐不能和乏力。SAS scores are sweatiness, akathisia and fatigue.

顺便提一下,SAS正是这样收费的。Incidentally, that's how SAS charges for their software.

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的SAS磁带驱动器使用行业标准的Ultrium介质。The SAS Tape Drive uses industry standard Ultrium media.

赛仕公司总部的工作津贴和福利相当之高。The on-site perks and benefits at SAS HQ are remarkable.

从未有过可怜的女孩儿家象我这样受她佣人的气的吗?Was ever any poor girl so ill-used by her serv sas I am?

讨论了溶液性质对SAS竞聚率的影响。The effect of solvent property on MRR of SAS is discussed.

数采房逃生门开关不灵活,不利于逃生。SAS cabin escape door switch is rust not conducive to escape.

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尝试的方法都自行编译SAS宏命令,简单而实用。Try to compile all the way SAS Acer order, simple and practical.

为了吸取更多的刚出生的宝宝,她们制作了很多生动活泼的节目。They do a lot of lively programs so sas to attract abundance kid.

本文给出了应用SAS软件进行方差分析操作的简单方法。This text shows a simple method of SAS software on variance analysis.

为了吸引更多的孩子,他们制作了很多生动生动的节目。They made a lot of lively progrhave always beens so sas to get more children.

SAS于一厂已签订,于另一厂复制,两厂都有生产。Product that is SAS activated in one factory is duplicated in another factory.

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对低温区指标影响较大的是5℃、10℃针入度值和脆点。While Penetration value at 5℃and 10℃, and breaking point have main effect on SAS.

按居群取样,用SAS软件统计,并做巢式方差分析。Different populations were sampled and made for statistics and nested analysis by SAS.

其中30例SAS患者再经多导程生理仪监测结果,轻度21例,中度7例,重度2例。Among 30 of SAS taken polysomnography, 21 were light SAS, 7 moderate SAS, and 2 severe.

了解如何在企业中使用景情应用程序改进企业计算的现状。Discover how you can use SAs in an enterprise to improve the state of corporate computing.

美食周由萨斯饭店主办,中国驻拉脱维亚大使馆协办。The Gourmet Week is hosted by SAS Hotel and co-sponsored by the Chinese embassy in Latvia.

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登录去做一个调查表来测试下自己个性的优点。See for a questionnaire that measures character strengths.

最高硬盘容量为7.5TB,包含一个标准的8通道SAS控制器。Storage space tops out at 7.5TB in the Z800, which has a standard 8-channel SAS controller.

介绍了CAN总线在变电站自动化系统中的实际应用。This paper introduces the application of CANbus network in substation automation system SAS.