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这是世上首次出现空中轰炸。It was the world’s first aerial bombardment.

原子武器的测试。To subject to bombardment with atomic weapons.

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此外还有2011年北约对利比亚的轰炸。In this, the nato bombardment of Libya in 2011.

在猛烈轰炸以后城镇成了一片废墟。The town lay in ruins after a heavy bombardment.

只要明白轰击去气的含义,我们就知道为什么了。Can understand the meaning of bombardment degassing , we know why.

此外大气中的防护物来自流星轰击地球。In addition the atmosphere shields the Earth from bombardment by meteors.

高空轰炸分为战略,战争,战术轰炸三个阶段。The air bombardment was divided into strategic, operational and tactical stages.

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同盟军开始轰炸这个城市五个小时后,他们的部队投降了。Their forces capitulated five hours after the Allied bombardment of the city began.

空中轰炸作为一种战争的形式,是设计用来从以前的形式中解脱出来的。Aerial bombardment is a form of warfare that was designed as an escape from the past.

转化方法以叶盘法为主,辅助使用了基因枪法。Leaf-disc method and microprojectile bombardment were adopted for gene transformation.

一种合成元素,由氦同位素轰击锔可得到微量的这种元素。A synthetic element produced in trace quantities by helium isotope bombardment of curium.

研究了离子轰击对薄膜聚集密度和潮气吸附的影响。The effect of ion bombardment on film packing density and moisture adsorption is examined.

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我在炮火袭击下坚守了24小时,没有伤亡一人。I have sustained a continual Bombardment and cannonade for 24 hours and have not lost a man.

舰载雷达有助于对敌舰或海防设施进行准确的夜袭。Battleship radar sets permit accurate night bombardment of enemy ships or shore installations.

深入的炮击,和飞机轰炸的震颤,贯穿整个加沙地带。Intense artillery strikes and waves of aerial bombardment were reported across the Gaza Strip.

四名韩国人丧生的延坪岛炮击事件以后,紧张局势进一步升级。Tensions further escalated with the bombardment of Yeonpyeong, which killed four South Koreans.

经过海、空狂轰乱炸之后,这种带炮塔的两栖坦克车开始跃跃欲试。The amphibious tanks with turret-housed cannons went in in after heavy air and sea bombardment.

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所以只有呈电中性的离子才能轰击正在生长的膜。On the gold-coated substrates, the ion bombardment remains effective throughout the growth process.

对硅表面在高频场和等离子体轰击下表面性质的改变作了初步研究。Variation of silicon surface under high-frequency field and plasma bombardment are initially studied.

另一群科学家则认为小行星和彗星的不均衡撞击造就了月球贾纳斯般的“阴阳脸”。Others argue that lopsided bombardment by asteroids and comets explain our Moon's Janus-faced exterior.