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他们在澳洲重新定居下来。They resettle themselves in Australia.

中方希望这批物资能够有助于吉方做好相关的难民安置工作。China hopes the aid will help Kyrgyzstan to resettle the refugees.

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政府正采取措施重新安顿那些失业工人。The government is taking measures to resettle those laid-off workers.

瓦内指出,尼日尔需要帮助,因为重新安置这么多人花费相当高。Wane says Niger needs help because it is a costly operation to resettle so many people.

我们的确感到对他们有一种道义责任,让他们在澳大利亚定居。And we do feel that we have a moral obligation to them, to resettle them here in Australia.

5月7日,白宫通知我,查菲堡将被用于安置部分古巴驱逐者。On May 7, the White House notified me that Fort Chaffee would be used to resettle some of the Cubans.

绍尔布赖强调,美国愿意重新安置的伊拉克难民人数没有上限。Sauerbrey emphasized that there is no cap on the number of Iraqi refugees the United States is willing to resettle.

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当地上万人已经开始在其原来的住所附近重新定居,但是这件事还是有困难的。Tens of thousands are now beginning to resettle near the homes they fled from, but it is not easy, says the BBC's Charles Haviland.

对于一些在国外永久性定居的科学家,这些激励措施还不足以让他们离开并回国定居。For some academics who have settled comfortably abroad, the incentives are not quite enough for them to uproot and resettle back home.

退职工人易地安家的,可以发给相当于本人两个月标准工资的安家补助费。Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.

其他在被美国清除罪名后仍然被扣留,因为他们不可能被送回国,并且没有国家会重新接受他们。Some of those remain after being cleared by the United States for release, because they cannot be sent home and no country will resettle them.

广西作为毗邻东南亚的省份,成为此次归难侨安置较多,华侨农林场建立较集中的省份之一。Guangxi province, as an adjacent to Southeast Asia, has become one of the most centralized places where to resettle the returned overseas Chinese.

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他口头批评不利于弱势群体的政策,如议会通过的一项妨碍难民重建家园的税务法案。He was vocally critical of policies that targeted the downtrodden, such as a Senate-approved transit tax that made it difficult for refugees to resettle.

韩国则表示无意遣返这四名叛逃者,但他们愿意开展对话来探讨如何核实叛逃者们希望留在韩国的意愿。South Korea said it has no intention of repatriating the four though it is willing to hold talks on how to verify their intention to resettle in the South.

文章简述了世行项目高速公路建设中移民安置工作的主要内容和方法。This paper briefly describes the main contents and the way to resettle migrants produced from Hefei Anqinghighway constructions belonging to the World Bank Loan.

近年来,在逃过欧洲的种族灭绝,并在新世界中努力奋斗从而得以定居和繁荣后,很多犹太人充分意识到没有一个人是单靠自己就能存活或者成功的。More recently, having fled genocide in Europe and struggled to resettle and thrive in the New World, many Jews appreciate that no one survives or succeeds on his own.

法国当局采取行动,清除这个象征欧洲难民危机的难民营,将难民营里在恶劣条件下生活的难民进行重新安置。French authorities conducted the operation to clear what had become a symbol of Europe's refugee crisis and resettle migrants who had lived in dire conditions in the camp.

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锡克人是主要生活在印度旁遮普邦的一个群体,然而大批的锡克人不断移居境外,逐渐形成了一个庞大的境外锡克人群体。Sikhs are a group of people who live in Indian Punjab mainly. However, a large number of Sikhs constantly resettle outside, and gradually formed a huge offshore Sikhs group.

帛琉总统托里比翁发表声明说,帛琉将为接受华盛顿的要求而暂时安置这些维族人感到荣幸和骄傲。Palau President Johnson Toribiong issued a statement saying his country would be "honored and proud" to honor Washington's request to temporarily resettle the ethnic Uighurs.

同时,批评者还指责,由于三峡大坝的修建导致区域水位上涨,而致使140万居民拆迁,但政府移民工程的工作远远没有到位。Critics also have complained that the government has fallen far short of its goals in helping to resettle the 1.4 million people displaced by the rising waters behind the dam.