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目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症。Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland.

目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症。Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland.

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目的了解辛伐他汀对丙烯醛引起的气道黏液高分泌的作用及其可能的机制。Objective To explore the effect of simvastatin on airway mucus hypersecretion in rats.

目的建立一种新的小鼠气道上皮杯状细胞增生和粘液高分泌模型。Aim Establish a novel mouse model of airway goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus hypersecretion.

然昼夜分泌节律相仿。结果提示,非应激性消化性溃疡有皮质醇分泌的明显异常。The results suggest that the hypersecretion of cortisol might be closely related to the non-stress peptic ulcer as well.

DU和GU发生机制不同,DU的发生可能与高胃酸分沁量有关,而GU则可能由胃粘膜屏障机能减退所致。It is suggested that DU is probably caused by the hypersecretion of gastric acid, and GU by the deteriorated function of the gastric mucosal barrier.

结论这一模型有助于筛选抗黏膜高分泌的新药和研究气道黏膜高分泌的病理机制。Conclusion This model helps to screen the new drugs for mucus hypersecretion and research on the pathological mechanism of airway mucus hypersecretion.

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本文从哮喘黏液高分泌特点、调控机制和药物治疗等方面对哮喘黏液高分泌进行综述。We reviews recent contributions to the mucus hypersecretory phenotype, the regulation mechanism and therapeutic avenues to control mucus hypersecretion.

慢性气道炎症性疾病以气道炎症反应、气道重塑、黏液高分泌等为主要病理特征。The predominant pathological characteristics of the chronic airway inflammation are airway inflammation, airway remodeling, mucous hypersecretion and so on.

哮喘是一种以慢性气道炎症和黏液高分泌为特点的疾病,但黏液的过度分泌在哮喘病理生理中的作用被相对低估了。Asthma is characterized by chronic airway inflammation and mucus hypersecretion , but the excess mucus secretion has been relatively undervalued in pathophysiology of asthma.

哮喘患者分泌的黏液中主要表现为MUC5AC、MUC5B和MUC2的过度表达,哮喘相关的炎性介质也参与了哮喘黏液高分泌的调控。Overexpression of MUC5AC, MUC5B and MUC2 have been described in asthma secretions, Inflammatory mediators linked to asthma also take part in the regulation of mucus hypersecretion.

故在本研究中,我们建立了SD大鼠慢性气道炎症模型,并观察了蓝按油在气道炎症和粘蛋白高分泌中的作用。In our research, we set up the models of SD rats chronic airway inflammation, and observe the effect of eucalyptus globulus oil on chronic airway inflammation and mucin hypersecretion.

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研究垂体腺瘤的临床激素过多症状与腺瘤组织激素检测之间的关系以及该病的发生、生物学行为、分类。To study the histogenesis, biological behaviour, classification of pituitary adenoma and the relationship between the symptoms of hormonal hypersecretion and the hormone test in pituitary adenoma.