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我们就要捅马蜂窝了。We're just about to kick a beehive.

韩佳,我捅的是蜜蜂窝。Han Jia, I wanted to poke a beehive.

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我们报恩的时候到了,扔出蜂巢你就能死里逃生。Throw our beehive and we'll save you.

毛绒绒的蜜蜂在嗡嗡作响的忙碌的蜂箱里嗡嗡。The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.

毛茸茸的蜜蜂嗡嗡萦绕在忙碌嗡嗡作响的蜂巢周围。The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.

她戴着一副蝶形眼镜,顶着一头蜂窝式发型。She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo.

蜂巢现在看起来的确有点儿像一只大棕熊。The beehive did sort of look like a big brown bear now.

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如果你想采集蜂蜜,最好不要踢翻蜂巢。If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive.

邻居拿一窝蜜蜂换来了两头羊,心里可欢喜啦!the neighbor willingly gave them a beehive for the two goats.

莎朗·斯通蜂窝头肩膀上站着一只乌鸦。Sharon Stone . Beehive hair and carrying a raven on her shoulder.

小狐狸取出一张按数字涂颜色的画儿,画儿画的是一个蜂巢,他之前已经涂了一些颜色上去。Fox got out the paint-by-number picture of a beehive he had started.

“蜂巢州”犹他州并没有比其他州更多的蜂巢。The Beehive State of Utah has no more beehives than any other state.

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嗡嗡小蜜蜂飞上山坡,把蜂巢从树上晃了下来。Buzzy bee flew up to the hill and broke the beehive away from the tree.

沃特斯有一片私人菜园,在潘尼斯之家也有一处菜园和蜂巢。Waters has a personal garden, and a garden and beehive at Chez Panisse.

“好的,”小小骑士答应到,他小心翼翼地将蜂巢拴在了马鞍上。"OK, " said the littlest knight and carefully tied the beehive to his saddle.

陆很生气。他叫仆人们烧一桶水,把水倒在蜂窝上。He told his servant to boil up a bucket of water and pour it over the beehive.

必须发掘它的原因是,这些蜂窝墓像其他东西一样被埋在地下The reason he had to uncover it was that beehive tombs, like everything else, were buried.

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花园和蜂箱是她仅有的医生,她因此而更长寿。The garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery, and she lives the longer for it.

飞利浦公司的设计人员称“城市蜂箱”除了为使用者提供新鲜的蜂蜜外,还拥有众多的好处。Philips says the Urban beehive has numerous benefits, aside from fresh honey for the owners.

白天时,大脑就像一个忙乱的蜂窝——而进入NREM睡眠状态后,它就很少嗡嗡叫了。During the day, your brain is a beehive of activity -- during NREM sleep it is barely humming.