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你同意还是反对这个计划?He is leaning agaist the tree.

那座塔轻微倾斜。The tower is leaning slightly.

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我靠着雕栏可是滑倒了。I was leaning over and Islipped.

我喜欢看它们向着太阳的样子。I love them leaning toward the sun.

为学在思,为艺在心。Leaning is thinking, Skill by heart.

他往后一倒,靠在墙上。He slumped, leaning against the wall.

在倾斜中步步进逼。Leaning toward each other bit by bit.

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船向左舷倾斜七度。The damaged ship was leaning to port.

他斜靠着墙站在那儿。He stood there leaning against the wall.

艾丽斯把他当支撑物靠着。Alice was leaning against him for support.

可是比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜呢?In Pisa , I see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

损坏的船向侧面倾斜。The damaged ship was leaning over to port.

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老人依杖而立。The old man is leaning on a walking stick.

她斜倚芦苇侧傍。Leaning her breast against the reedy shore.

二是反哺成本供给“一边倒”。Leaning to one side of back-nurture supply.

意大利的比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜呢?Why does the Leaning Tower of Piza in lean?

乔在他的座位中袖手旁观,在它上努力地倾斜。Joe sat back in his seat, leaning hard on it.

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她很随便地斜倚着墙。She was leaning negligently against the wall.

我在你的左手边,靠在你的左肩。I am on your left, leaning your left shoulder.

为了吸引你的目光而向你的方向斜倚Leaning in towards you whilst holding your gaze