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打开通过时间和空间的未知路径。Opening unimagined pathways through time and space.

他们拥有我在1960年代后期做志愿者时所无法想象的工具。And they have tools unimagined when I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the late 1960s.

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美国工人阶级,不论白人和黑人,都达到了迄今想都没有想过的繁荣水平。American workers, white and black, achieved hitherto unimagined levels of prosperity.

“是的,是的。”他亲昵的语气使我受宠若惊,给了我一种不敢想象的希望。"Yes, yes. " His pet tone made me feel extremely flattered, gave me a unimagined hope.

他们发现了以往想象不到的新客体脉冲星、类星体和黑洞。They have discovered now, previously unimagined objects-pulsars, quasars, and black holes.

他们发现了以往想象不到的新客体――脉冲星、类星体和黑洞。They have discovered now, previously unimagined objects-pulsars, quasars, and black holes.

现在真正的大问题是体育运动能否达到前所未有的规模上的成功。The really big question now is whether sport can achieve good on a scale previously unimagined.

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这些角色的生活都以一种不可想象但令人信服的喜剧方式纠缠在一起。These characters lives are interwoven with others in unimagined but convincing and comical ways.

鹰嘴豆粉可蜕去死皮,给你丝般光滑的肤质。牛奶则会强健你整个身体。The chickpea flour sloughs off dead skin to give unimagined silkiness and the milk will firm up the entire body.

当雕塑家继续探索数位科技,新形式及结构,到现在还未想像的,都将会浮现。As sculptors continue to explore digital technologies, new forms and structures, as yet unimagined , will emerge.

城市Z是亚马逊雨林里传说中的一个富有的古城。The Lost City of Z, a fabled metropolis of unimagined riches deep in the Amazon rain forest, has eluded explorers for centuries.

首先,能上榜的发明必须能极大地改进人们做重要事情的方式,或者让以前想都不敢想的事情变为可能。The qualifying inventions either provided radically new ways to do an important job, or they made possible tasks that were previously unimagined.

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展示出来债务能通过金融手段由一个以前无法想象的手段和规模来管理。包括金融上的和技术上的手段,这是以前无法想象的范围。It has shown that debt can finance takeovers on an unimagined scale and in industries, including finance and technology, once thought beyond its scope.

未来的研究工作一定还会有所发现,以目前还难以想像的方式,善加利用目前已知的生物医学、能量转换、化学合成和其他领域的知识。No doubt future work will find as yet unimagined ways to exploit such knowledge in biomedicine, energy conversion, chemical synthesis and other fields.

招生处的巨额花销遭到了哈克和德雷伊夫斯的嘲笑,它在50年前就以难以想象的方式实现了多样化。The large expenditures on their admissions offices that bring sneers from Hacker and Dreifus have promoted diversity in ways unimagined fifty years ago.

在这篇文章中,我将会讨论如何进行实际的日程安排,力图涵盖所有上面提到的各种类型的事件——计划中的、可能的、难以想象的。In this article, I will discuss realistic scheduling, which seeks to cover all the above types of events -- the planned, the possible, and the unimagined.

明天在生物工程、人工智能或甚至无法想象到的某项技术中所取得的成就会产生类似巨大变革的冲击波。Tomorrow's achievements in biotechnology, artificial intelligence or even some still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes.

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承担作为21世纪大国的义务将有助于在未来为中国人民带来更多几乎难以想象的机会。Embracing the obligations that come with being a 21st century power will help to realize a future that will give the Chinese people even more, in fact, unimagined opportunities.

虽然这些可能美好到难以想象,而一个能使个体创造性、偏好和事业心得到充分表达的自由主义体系,比其他任何体系更能使这些可能得以实现。The possibilities are as yet unimagined , but a liberal system, in which individual creativity, preferences and enterprise have full expression, is more likely to seize them than any other.