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由横。轮呔提供高性能轮呔的特别优惠价。Special discount on Yokohama high performance tire.

横滨市卫生当局正在调查病因。Yokohama City Health authorities are investigating the cause.

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我两年前的夏天在横滨住过,所以我略知一二。I lived in Yokohama two summers ago, so I know a little about it.

卡卡和因扎吉还有在雅典,摩纳哥和横滨一样的表现。Kaka and Inzaghi are the same of Athens, Monetcarlo and Yokohama.

尽管伯顿的办公室在神户,但他常驻来横滨。Though his offices were in Kobe, Burton often came down to Yokohama.

去完日本返黎,大家可以去我相簿睇相。Just come back from Yokohama. You can found relevant photo in my album.

丰田杯和与乌迪内斯的比赛很不好。The matches played in Yokohama and against Udinese, are two bad episodes.

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但最大的创新并不只发生在底特律和横滨。But the biggest innovations aren't only happening in Detroit and Yokohama.

但是命运却在横滨和拉科鲁尼亚和我们开了两次玩笑。Destiny, just this, played two nasty trick on us, at Yokohama and at La Coruna.

是的,这正是在接下来在日本横滨举办的世界俱乐部杯上将发生的。Yes, that's exactly what could happen in the next FIFA Club World Cup in Yokohama.

关于进一步指示,请跟横滨俺运输代理行ABC公司联系喜悦。As for further instruction, please contact ABC Company, our shipping agent in Yokohama.

从东京搭火车,很容易就能抵达日本第二大城市横滨。Japan's second-largest city after Tokyo, Yokohama is easily reached from Tokyo by train.

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在她13岁的时候,就已经赢得了由横滨市赞助举办地音乐作曲比赛。She won a musical composition contest sponsored by Yokohama city at the age of thirteen.

浅野在横滨的本牧亭长大,那是个典型的“后嬉皮前朋克”区。Asano's upbringing in the Honmoku area of Yokohama was classically post-hippie, pre-punk.

本公司接到横滨市八幡公司来函,表示愿意与本公司建立贸易关系。Messrs, Yawata &Co. , of Yokohama , are desirous of entering into business relations with.

航行于中国与旧金山线的p.m.s.s。公司的轮船中途在横滨停泊。The P. M. S. S. Co. steamers, which ply between China and San Francisco, touch at Yokohama.

目前,横滨海上保安部正在对事故原因展开调查。Currently, the Yokohama Maritime Security Department is investigating cause of the accident.

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日本作为东道主,在横滨举办亚非经济合作峰会。Japan hosts heads of government at an Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit in Yokohama.

2007年回到国家队管理工作的冈田带领横滨获得了两次冠军。Returned to the stewardship of the national side in 2007 having taken Yokohama to two titles.

埼玉县、千叶县和横滨等地也发生2级地震。Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture and Yokohama and other places also occurred in 2 earthquake.