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我讨厌我的粗手臂。I hate my arms.

举高你的双臂。Raise your arms.

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谁举起了武器?Who rises in arms?

男孩拥她入怀。Boy her in my arms.

我张开的双臂怎生的酸痛!How my open arms ache!

正义有长臂…天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Justice has long arms.

这种新枪炮都加有来复线。Such new arms are rifled.

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她刚生下来就没有胳膊。She was born without arms.

我也是军火贩子。And I am the arms merchant.

交枪不杀!Give up your arms and live!

我感到它刮擦着我的胳膊。I feel it scraping my arms.

是否有双拥抱你的手?There are arms to hold you?

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他们都佩带着随身武器。They all carried side arms.

他将她抱在怀里。He enfolded her in his arms.

我就会把你拥在我的怀中。I would hold you in my arms.

她轻轻地抚摸他的双臂。She gently stroked his arms.

如果你敢,待在我的臂弯里。Stay in my arms if you dare.

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他用手臂向我们发出信号。He spoke to us with his arms.

最后一次拥你入怀。In my arms for one last time.

她扭动着挣脱了他的拥抱。She squirmed out of his arms.