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画一画曼陀罗?A Mandala?

到曼陀罗花园。To the mandala garden.

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如何制造曼陀罗的会议。At a conference on mandala making.

在哪里最有可能找到曼陀罗?Where is the mandala most likely to be found?

曼陀罗的基本元素便是圆。The basic element of the mandala is the circle.

他们正在创作名为「曼陀罗」的艺术作品。They are making a piece of art called a mandala.

其中间的机器之间可用输送机相接。The mandala of between machines were used conveyor.

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这坛城的象度即是你心量的境界。The dimensions of a mandala are the sphere of your mind.

曼陀罗的中心点象征着能量的中心。The focus of the mandala symbolizes the center of energy.

这种境界即是坛城原理的精要。This sphere is the main essence of the mandala principle.

其中间的机器之间可用输送机相接。The mandala of between machine available conveyor inferiorly.

五年以后,整座大楼都消失了,就象沙曼荼罗一样。Years later, the whole building is gone, just like the sand Mandala.

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由黄色与紫红色的菊花做成的曼荼罗的图片。A mandala made from a photograph of yellow and magenta chrysanthemum.

有人认为法门寺地宫构成一个完整的蔓荼罗。Some scholars believe that the whole of basement was rendered as a mandala.

还记得我的心也随着坛城的消逝在那一瞬间灰飞湮灭了。Remember how my heart was lost when that mandala vanished into sand dust in the air.

当城堡表达世间的力量,如此曼陀缴来表达精神上的力量。As the castle expresses worldly power so the mandala came to express spiritual power.

曼荼罗装饰背景的瑜伽工作室的设计模板。Design template for yoga studio with mandala ornament and splashes in watercolor style.

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身城被新月形地区环绕,此为祭地。The Body Mandala is surrounded by crescent-shaped areas, which are the offering grounds.

继续筹备及设置法坛。僧众绘制阿弥陀佛沙坛城。Continue with preparation, shrine set-up. Continue with drawing of Amitabha Sand Mandala.

如果说,不吸烟的女人是一抹胭脂红,那么吸的女人就是一朵曼陀罗。If we say that women do not smoke is a touch of carmine, then the woman is smoking a Mandala.