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也许我们可以把它当作我们生活的调味剂。Maybe we can treat it as condiment of our life.

所以它不仅是一种营养丰富的食品,而且是一种上好的调味品。So it is not only a nutrient-rich foods, and is a good condiment on.

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大蒜,生姜等促进瘦身的黄色调味品garlic, ginger etc. promotes the yellow condiment of weight reduction

鸡精是目前市场上倍受欢迎的一种复合调味料。Chicken bouillon is a popular compound condiment in the present market.

酱文化是指由酱类调味品及其衍生物所生成的文化。Sauce condiment and its derivate brought into the formation of sauce culture.

该制品含有较高的氨基态氮,口味鲜美,是一种良好的保健调味品。The product has the richer nutrition and smooth, is a good healthy condiment.

另外,你找些好玩的佐料压榨瓶,让孩子自己挤出番茄酱。Look for fun condiment squeeze bottles and let kids squeeze out their own ketchup.

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看着这些孩子的眼睛,我的心里好像打翻了五味瓶。Looking into their eyes, I felt like bottles of condiment spilled over in my heart.

欣和企业成立于1992年,是一家专业调味品酿造公司。Shinho enterprise was established in 1992, which is a professional condiment company.

大黄鳝鱼一条,洗净去内脏加调料红烧食用。Chinese rhubarb eel, abluent go splanchnic add condiment edible of braise in soy sauce.

辣椒油是一种传统的调味油,由于色泽和香味好,深受消费者喜爱。Capsicol is a traditional condiment oil, it's very popular because of its good color and smell.

一种棕色流质咸调味品,以浸泡于卤水中的大豆及烘培小麦或大麦发酵制成。A salty brown liquid condiment made by fermenting soybeans and roasted wheat or barley in brine.

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使用素食高汤当汤底、熬粥、凉拌皆适用,是斋食者不可或缺的之素食高汤调味料。Convenient for cooking soup, congee, also for cold dishes, it's an essential condiment vegetarians.

不要对番茄酱、芥末、辣汁或者客人要求的任何调味品进行评价。Do not bring judgment with the ketchup. Or mustard. Or hot sauce. Or whatever condiment is requested.

专家已发现这种佐料与水混合,洒到土里后,有助于保持水分。Experts have found that the condiment can help water retention if mixed with water and spread over soil.

顶喷上更换内容之前打开果酱,果冻,调味品和内盖的容器和。Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and condiment containers and inside lids before replacing.

介绍了酱油、醋等调味品包装的现状及发展趋势。This paper introduces the present situation and tendency in condiment packing, such as soy sauce, vinegar, et al.

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目前,酵母抽提物在这些发达地区的食品或调味产品中,酵母抽提物均醒目地出现于其标签之列。At present, the yeast extract has been listed in the label of the food or condiment product in these developed regions.

与其他调味品种类比拟,在每年的销售额增长上来说,番茄酱和芥末处在中间地位。In comparison to other condiment segments, ketchup and mustard occupies the middle ground, in terms of annual sales growth.

在玻璃杯里用捣碎棒捣糊草药或水果,往往加入一些糖或其他调味品磨和剂。Crushing herbs or fruits in a glass with a muddler stick, often with some sugar or other condiment to act as a grinding agent.