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印刷电路板带有附属的调剂。The printed circuit board has appurtenant reliefs.

服装的主体性和整体性决定了鞋子的从属地位。The main body sex of dress and integral sex decided the appurtenant position of shoe.

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重视和预防建筑物附属工程的冻害,在严寒地区尤为重要。It is very important to pay attention to and prevent frost damagee of appurtenant works.

总平面应合理布置设备用房、附属设施和地下建筑的出入口。The passageway of equipments room, appurtenant works and basement shall be constructed in reason in general plane.

土地、附着于土地的建筑物及其他定着物、建筑物的固定附属设备为不动产。Land, appurtenant easements , and the appertaining equipments of other appurtenant and construction shall be real estates.

核心的API执行服务传输、从属和周期治理、资源治理以及远程服务治理。The API of core carries out a service to transmit, appurtenant manage with cycle management, resource management and long-distance service.

京南水电站水轮发电机组及其附属设备是从奥地利引进的,水轮机调速器是先进的数字式调速器。The water turbine generator set and its appurtenant devices of the Jingnan HPS were imported from Austria . Its regulator is of digital type and advanced.

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附属区工程是高速公路重要的组成部分,是为了高速公路的正常通行提供管理、收费、监控、养护、拯救、服务等一系列功能。Appurtenant work, which supples a system of function as management, charge, monitoring, maintaining, rescue and service, is a major component part of expressway.

附属区工程是高速公路重要的组成部分,是为了高速公路的正常通行提供管理、收费、监控、养护、拯救、服务等一系列功能。Appurtenant work, which supplies a system of function as management, charge, monitoring, maintaining, rescue and service, is a major component part of expressway.

建筑物附属工程如台阶、散水、建筑小品、围墙、简易库棚等是主体工程建筑不可缺少的一部分。The appurtenant works, such as steps, fountain, architectural sketch, enclosing wall, simple storehouse and other architectures, is indispensable to the main works.

四十多年前,软件开始有了自己的历史。但在计算机发展的初期,软件作为硬件的从属品,虽然重要但并未成为一个独立的产业。But the initial stage that develops in the computer, what software serves as hardware is appurtenant article, although important but the industry that did not make an independence.