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一个达显旅游持续5天。A darshan tour lasted for 5 days.

错位的噶大山的魔鬼。Misplaced to the darshan of the devil.

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我写信给巴巴,说我想去阿美纳伽得到他的达善。I wrote to Baba that I wanted to go to Ahmednagar to have His darshan.

第二年,有一次巴巴叫他在孟买的爱者去他那儿,参加为时一天的达善活动。Some time in the following year, Baba called His lovers from Bombay for a one-day darshan program.

每个月,我会给你们一点功课,你要在下一次视像讲学前做。Every month I would like to give some homework on which you would work before the next Skype Darshan.

在2004年的21天课程开始以前,西方的献身者们到金色之城来是为了所谓的达显旅游。Before the 21 days processes started in 2004, Western devotees came to Golden City for so-called darshan tours.

任何特殊的达显团队须与他们各自国家的指导师就具体细节进行沟通。Any particular Darshan tour group shall work with their respective country's guide on details related to the tour.

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对很多跟随者这是个重要日子,因为是他们最后一次达善巴巴。This is an important date because it was the last opportunity for many of Baba's followers to see Baba and have his darshan.

在和门徒见面之后,哥文达•玛哈茹阿佳来告诉我说我们因为是非法入境所以情况还挺麻烦。After darshan with my disciples, Govinda Maharaja came to inform me that we were in hot water regarding our entering the country illegally.

当卡蒂埃-布列松在4月23日抵达琫地舍里时,正赶上在24日将要举行的“达瞻”,他身处于一系列非凡的活动之中。When Cartier-Bresson arrived in Pondicherry on April 23, in time for darshan on the 24th, he was in the midst of an extraordinary series of events.

这些“达显之旅”是次5天左右的庆典,在那里学员将访问合一的神圣场所,接受巴关的达显。These "Darshan tours" are akin to a five-day festival whereby participants will visit the sacred sites of Oneness and receive the Darshan of Sri Bhagavan.

阿瓦塔美赫巴巴的沾光可得到的在坟墓圣地之内,以利用这个场合特殊所指定的管理行列。Darshan of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba will be available inside the Tomb-Shrine of Beloved through a regulated queue designated specifically for this occasion.

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接着巴巴要我们放心,说不只是我们,我们的亲戚朋友也能在他离开克什米尔前得到他的达善,但要等些时候。Baba went on to assure us that not only me, but our friends and relatives, would also be able to have His darshan before He left Kashmir, but that would not be for some time.