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这个就是我们常说的鼻部黑头。This is what we often say nasal blackhead.

试试,它会在瞬间去除你的黑头。Try this one. It cleans your blackhead in a flash.

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完美的面部肌肤,怎么能被黑头干扰呢?Perfect facial skin, how can be blackhead interference?

可匡助去除黑头粉刺、过剩的油脂及深层的污垢。Can help remove blackhead acne, excess grease and dirt of the deep.

我为儿子买的这款洁面皂,他脸上的座疮和黑头非常非常严峻。Bought this soap for my son who had a terrible acne and blackhead problem.

鼻贴表面附有水溶性粘胶,通过粘力将黑头除去。Bitie surface with water-soluble glue, adhesive strength the blackhead removal.

今天,我男友给我看了他放在又踢又不上的一段视频,他挤破了他脑门上的一个巨大的黑头。Today, my boyfriend showed me a YouTube video of him popping a huge blackhead on his forehead.

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有的人喜欢自己对于着镜子用粉刺针把黑头挤出去,以后不拍收缩水。Some people like to own a mirror with the blackhead pimple pin extruder to shoot shrinkage in the future.

三辆黑头高级轿车缓慢的从马路转进校门口,一切都显得肃杀。Three fire blackhead limousine slowly from the road turns into the school, everything appears devastation.

濒临灭绝的生物包括海牛,迈阿密黑头蛇,林鹳和佛罗里达美洲豹。The endangered creatures include the manatee, the Miami blackhead snake, the wood stork and the Florida panther.

黑头,粉刺,平衡油脂分秘,按捺黑头粉刺的发生,对油性皮肤的人,效果最为显明。Blackhead acne, endocrine balance, control the occurrence of acne blackhead, oily skin, the most obvious effects.

蜂蜜中有一些可以吸附黑头的矿物质,建议三天进行一次,黑头会明显减少。Honey, some of the mineral, can adsorption blackhead suggestion three-day once, blackhead will significantly less.

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但是现今有绝大部分的女性朋友,鼻子上都会或多或少有黑头的出现,黑头严重影响了美观。But now have most of the female friends, nose will more or less blackhead appear, blackhead serious impact on the beautiful.

黑头方法,怎么样有效的去黑头,珍珠粉怎样去黑头05-28·比度克去黑头导出液。Black methods, how effective blackhead, pearl powder how to blackhead 05-28 ratio of grams to black-headed leading-out liquid.

产品,男士收毛孔去黑头05-28·什么方法可以去黑头,苏打粉可以去黑头吗,吃什。Products, men close pores blackhead 05-28, what method can go to black-headed, baking soda can go to black-headed what, what to eat.

汇聚死海泥精华,添加天然竹炭活性成分,清除顽固黑头,并预防黑头粉刺再生。With active ingredients of dead sea mud extract and bamboo charcoal, it can remove stubborn blackheads and prevent blackhead formation.

醋有美容的效果,粗盐能有效祛除鼻子上的黑头以及逝世皮,使皮肤润泽光滑。There is a cosmetic effect of vinegar, salt can effectively get rid of nose blackhead and died on the skin, the skin smooth and lustrous.

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黑头的产生原因还包括卸妆不彻底,导致粉尘和化学物质残留在面部,长时间累积下来,就形成了黑头。Blackhead causes include discharge makeup is not complete, lead to dust and chemicals residue in the face, long time accumulated, they form a blackhead.

本品能有效深入毛囊,强力吸出黑头和黄色油脂粒。长期使用,不仅畅通和收细毛孔,还令肌肤干净清透、光滑细腻。Powerfully suck out the blackhead and fat granule. For longtime use, not only help to open up and minify the pores but also make the skin delicate and smooth.

大约等待10-20分钟左右等到鼻贴彻底干燥并发硬后,从鼻子下面开始揭开,这时候您会看见密密麻麻的黑头被带出来了。About wait 10-20 minutes until thoroughly dry bazoo from nose after concurrent hard below, this time you will start uncovered numerous blackhead were taken see come out.