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我是译名公司职员。I am an office clerk.

她是一个前堂接待员。She is a floor clerk.

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“是的,”帐房说。"Yes, " said the clerk.

我是一个记账员。I'm an Accounting Clerk.

这职员是计时算工资的。The clerk works for wages.

招聘职员,须能计算成本。Clerk wanted, able to cost.

那位职员当当地打钟叫人。The clerk boned the call bell.

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他在一家银行当办事员。He serves as a clerk in a bank.

这个店员给了他一个锤子。The clerk brought him a hammer.

他应征事务员的工作。He applied for a job as a clerk.

蜜妮找到一份银行职员的工作。Minni got a job as a bank clerk.

于是请店员整理、装袋。So please clerk sorting, bagging.

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他是办公室里资历浅的事务员。He is a junior clerk in an office.

费瑞格夫人是当地市政厅的一名接待员。A clerk in her local town hall, Ms.

这个职员期望得到提升。The clerk is looked to be promoted.

她把美国运通卡递给接待员。She gave the desk clerk her AmEx card.

她被她的下级职员顶替。She was displaced by her junior clerk.

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这个店员对顾客摆一张臭脸。The clerk gives customers a long face.

售货员把他买的东西打成包裹。The sales clerk parceled his purchase.

那店员用领带换皮带。The clerk exchanged the fie for a belt.