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尺度是一个老生常谈的地学问题。Scale is a platitude problem of geomorphology.

其中,黄土地貌是典型地貌之一。Loess geomorphology belongs to one of typical landforms.

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坡地发育是地貌学研究的基本问题之一。Slope development is one of the elementary issues of geomorphology.

地貌学研究地形的成因及其变化。Geomorphology deals with the origin of landscapes and changes in them.

第四纪地层成因类型多样,但它们在分布上与地貌有着密切的相关性。The distribution of the genetic types is closely relate to the geomorphology.

欢迎参加国际地貌学家协会丹霞地貌工作组第一次会议!Welcome to The First Conference of Danxia Geomorphology Working Group of IAG!

地貌是自然地理环境要素的重要组成部分。Geomorphology is one of the most factors of physical geographical environment.

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此外,还提供了一个可以查询的加拿大地形学参考书目数据库。Furthermore, there is a searchable database of a bibliography of canadian geomorphology.

本州西部之雅助河,是地形学上“衰弱河”的一个实例。West Honshu elegantly helps the river, is in the geomorphology "thefeeble river" an example.

对发育于渭北地区的口镇-关山大断裂口镇段的冶峪河谷地貌进行了研究。Yeyu river valley geomorphology in Kouzhen of Kouzhen-Guanshan faults in north of Weihe river is researched.

北海市区广泛分布较厚的第四纪松散沉积物,地貌上为似扇形准平原。Quaternary loose and thicker deposits are widespread in Beihaitown, forming a fan-shaped peneplain in geomorphology.

在区域旅游开发的影响下,区域地貌研究逐渐向区域旅游地貌研究延伸。More emphases of ReR have been given to research on regional tourism geomorphology with the regional development of TGD.

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他在这篇绝笔序言中,对发展地貌学的一些意见,值得我们永远学习和纪念。His ideas on developing geomorphology in some last words of the forward are worthy of our forever study and commemoration.

在现代动力作用和地貌形态组合研究基础上,进行了潮汐汊道动力地貌学分类。Based on the study of modem dynamic and combination of landform, tidal inlet is classified by dynamic geomorphology system.

夷平面作为地貌学上最好的“地层”标志,是最近地理学界的热点。The planation surface is the hot spot in recent geography educational world as the best "the stratum" symbol of geomorphology.

黄土地貌属中国典型地貌之一,其分类体系是制图的基础。Loess geomorphology in China belongs to one of the typical landforms, whose classification system is the foundation of mapping.

本文从地质、地貌两个方面讨论了红河断裂带的新构造活动特征。This paper discusses the features of neotectonic movement of Red River fault zone in two respects of geology and geomorphology.

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和地下的水道砂岩打交道的石油地质工作者,必须具备地貌学方面的基础知识。The petroleum exploration geologist working with subsurface channel sandstone must have a background knowledge of geomorphology.

根据穿越处地貌及地层特性决定将努比亚砂岩作为定向钻穿越的围岩。Based on the features of geomorphology and strata in the crossing area, the Nubia sandstone is selected to be the surrounding rock.

在中、小比例尺地图上编绘地貌要素和水文要素应充分利用卫星像片。Satellite photograph should be fully apllied to edit and draw elements of geomorphology and hydrology on middle or small scale map.