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拨号上网一说,从那时起开始风行。Dial get online to say, begin since thenceforth faddish.

李戈晔的绘画似乎从来都不曾属于过那种风尚美学的范畴。The paintings of Li Geye never belong to the category of faddish esthetics.

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于是,带给产妇自然温馨的“导乐分娩法”便风行开了。Then, bring a puerpera natural warmth "guide happy childbirth law "faddish left.

人民希望下周无论谁胜出都将迅速将衰退的恐慌赶走。One hopes that whoever wins next week will quickly dismiss all this faddish declinism.

风行的专注、创新,在影视这一个打点上取得突破。Faddish dedicated, innovation, in movie and TV this one gets ready on obtain a breakthrough.

顺势而为和战略超前实际上是风行一贯的作风。Take advantage of an opportunity and be and strategic lead is faddish and consistent style actually.

我们来看看“时尚前沿”这个形容词,那就史复杂了,它可以指非常时尚的,也可以指狂热时髦的。The picture is further complicated by the adjective "trendy", which can mean either very fashionable, or faddish.

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制作流行视频也许没有任何保证,但要想让它风行还是有些方法可循的。Make popular video perhaps do not have any assurance, but want to make it faddish or have some of method but of abide.

东方人的唇形饱满厚实,更适合大红色的唇膏,韩国、日本已经开始风行。The labial form of Oriental is full and thick, suit the lipstick of bright red color more, korea, Japan has begun faddish.

由于时尚价值在时尚社会里被过度追逐,带来了严重的生态问题和社会问题。Due to the faddish value is excessively pursued in the faddy society, it has brought strict eco-problems and social problems.

早在混沌形成科学理论、成为时尚的研究领域之前,他就是探索这一黑暗领域的一位先驱。He was an original pioneer into the dark frontier of chaos before it gelled into a scientific theory and faddish field of study.

风行社区内部沟通工具可让其在社区内充分发展自己的好友圈。Faddish community interior communicates a tool to be able to make its sufficient inside community develop its good friend to encircle.

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义乌市樊氏秀饰品有限公司创建于1998年,是一家集饰品开发、生产、销售为一体的综合性企业。Yiwu FADDISH Jewelry Co. , Ltd was set up in 1998, belongs to the comprehensive enterprise integrated jewelry development, production and sale as a whole.

佩戴钻石黄金曾经是投资贵重珠宝的一种方式,但对如今的超级富豪来说,时下最流行的投资方式则是美容保养。There was a time when wearing diamonds and gold meant investing in expensive jewellery. But for today's super-rich, it comes in the form of a faddish beauty treatment.

曾经风行一时,至今仍然广为流行的“高蛋白、低碳水化合物减肥法”,过去曾被医学界警告。Once faddish temporarily, up to now wide still those who be popularity " law of high protein, low carbohydrate reducing weight " , go to ever was warned by medical bound.

从提出申请,到最终加入18基金,御风行只用了短短3个月时间,在投资业内也算“神速”。From offer application, arrive to add 18 fund finally, drive is faddish used only 3 short lunar time, also calculate inside investment line of business " amazingly quick ".

流行文化的确代表美国社会的一部份,特别是接收媒体的都市年轻人,但美国流行文化短暂且不停地变换。Pop culture does represent a portion of American society–especially urban young people that are tuned in to the media. But American pop culture is faddish and ever-changing.

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面对不断细分的市场,羊绒企业可以通过实施羊绒制品的个性化定制吸引中高收人群体和时尚人群,通过提供产品定制服务提高产品的附加值。With comminuted continually market, cashmere enterprises could elevate added value by cashmere products personal tailor. Personal tailor may attract high earning people and faddish people.

如果市场多头愿意为某些热门的股票竟出高价,但没有那么多的投资者有勇气愿意卖空来满足多头的需求,这样多头最终就会把价格推高。If optimists are willing to bid up the shares of some faddish stocks, and not enough courageous investors are willing to meet that demand by selling short, then optimists will set the price.

但是,现在流行身体改造,从纹身和刺孔到植发和腹钉,很有可能很多人能大胆开放地去坐下来接受这个手术。But in these days of faddish body modification, from tattoos and piercings to hair plugs and stomach staples, there'll likely be masses of people unsqueamish enough to sit still for such an operation.