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从iPod拷贝歌曲到电脑Copy songs from iPod to computer

他的ipod里不全是hip-hopIt's not always hip-hop on his iPod

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苹果拥有iPod用户的一生一世。Apple has an iPod customer for life.

但我能格式化我的iPod然后装别的什么吗?Can I reformat my iPod and install something else?

这一次,尽管上面没有iPod的插口。This time, though, there’s no socket for the iPod.

为什么音乐手机没有iPod成功?Why are music phones less successful than the iPod?

在遥远的太空,没人能听到你的尖叫,也不能听iPod。In space, no one can hear youscream or listen to your iPod.

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你喜欢听什么类型的音乐?你的苹果机上都有哪些音乐呢?Q. What music do you like to listen to? What's on your iPod?

把这些书装进ipod并且一遍又一遍的听。Put those on your iPod and listen to them over and over again.

他没有最新的小玩意、汽车、电视或苹果音乐播放器。He doesn't have the latest gadgets, cars, televisions, or iPod.

是不同的声音,但唔代表不同的声音没有好与坏的差比或者不能比较的。The line-out of iPod main series doesn't have much distinct though.

你认为“苹果厂家”新推出的新型视频产品会带来新的TV观看群吗?。Do you think Apple's new video iPod will bring new fans to TV shows?

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调查指出,随着拥有内置听歌功能的手机的增多,iPod的使用越来越少。The survey noted iPod use has fallen as phone-based music has risen.

它和大硬盘版经典iPod的大小相似。A good size comparison would be an iPod classic with a big hard drive.

我通常在Ipod上循环播放,出来什么就听什么。I usually just put shuffle on my iPod and whatever comes up, comes up.

我甚至听说过这样的事例,有人把iPod随葬。I’ve even heard of cases where people are being buried with their iPod.

或“我们要像苹果那样,推出一个象Ipod那样的第二品牌。”Or "We should do what Apple did -- launch a second brand like the iPod."

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斯伯茨带了一个iPod用来听音乐,一台笔记本电脑用来跟踪天气和博客。Spotz will bring an iPod for music and a laptop to track weather and blog.

今天早上我听耳机时,听见一首我从未播过的。This morning I listened to my ipod and there's a song that I never tune to.

然而,苹果的iPod连接器,仍然是只为一个主机使用的配件。Apple’s iPod connector, however, continues to be used for a host of accessories.