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因此,我们要求毫不手软地没收一切战争所得。We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.

框架决定对与犯罪有关的收入及财产予以没收。Framework Decision on the confiscation of crime-related proceeds and property.

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如果一旦把财产充公,受到剥夺的倒反而是他这个克勤克俭的人。If confiscation once began, it was he-the worker and the saver -who would be looted.

没收伊巴迪博士的诸多奖章并非只是伊朗当局试图让她闭嘴的唯一途径。The confiscation of Dr Ebadi’s prizes is only part of the regime’s campaign to silence her.

没收财产刑中“财产”不应仅限于所有权,而应着眼于财产权利。Property in confiscation of penalty should not only include ownership but also property rights.

严重的腐败开始于2003年对尤科斯石油公司的没收行动。The aggravated corruption took off with the confiscation of the Yukos oil company initiated in 2003.

故在民事法律规范中对当事人的违法行为亦不乏行政制裁,收缴制度即为一类。So there are some administrative sanction in civil law and regulations. Confiscation is such a sanction.

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犯本章之罪的,可以并处没收财产。Whoever commits any of the crimes mentioned in thisChapter may concurrently be sentenced to confiscation of property.

Pierce观察到,这样一个技术性的提法往往能够有推动公共舆论的重大作用,一个德高望重的绅士,金色胡须,每天读保守派的报纸更加愿意接受没收一词,而不接受解放一词。The venerable gentleman, who wears gold spectacles and reads a conservative daily, prefers confiscation to emancipation.

第三部分探索没收财产刑的完善途径,这是文章的重中之重。The third part of the confiscation of property explores ways to improve the sentence, which is the top priority of the article.

他们没有在帝国的覆亡、造反奴隶的大刀、战争、叛乱、放逐和没收的打击下一蹶不振。They had not been broken by the crash of empires, the machetes of revolting slaves, war, rebellion, proscription , confiscation.

没收财产刑是以剥夺犯罪人一定的金钱财物为内容的刑罚方法。The penalty of confiscation of property is to deprive commit a crime certain person money property is the content penalty method.

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刘畅有些站不住了,这么久还没收到回信,由不得人焦急。Liu Chang is some to can not stand, so long still the confiscation arrive a letter in answer, from not get the person is restless.

第十八条依照本办法第十六条规定取得的罚没收入,全部上缴国库。Article 18 All revenue from punishment of fine and confiscation under Article 16 of the Measures shall be turned over to the state treasury.

致使被绑架人死亡或者杀害被绑架人的,处死刑,并处没收财产。if he causes death to the kidnapped person or kills the kidnapped person, he shall be sentenced to death and also to confiscation of property.

情节特别严重的,处死刑,并处没收财产If the circumstances are especially serious, the offender shall be sentenced to death, and concurrently be sentenced to confiscation of property

情节特别严重的,处死刑,并处没收财产。If the circumstances are especially serious, the offender shall be sentenced to death, and concurrently be sentenced to confiscation of property.

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故意在食品中加入不能食用物质的商家将面临吊销营业执照和没收所有非法收入。Firms that intentionally add non-edible material to food products will face having their licenses revoked and confiscation of all illicit earnings.

今后北京郊区改革的重点工作是推进土地确权、完善土地征用制度以及社区集体经济组织产权制度改革。The emphases of Bei-jing's suburb reform should be collective land institution, land confiscation and communal collective economy organization institution.

在判处没收财产的时候,不得没收属于犯罪分子家属所有或者应有的财产。When a sentence of confiscation of property is imposed, property that the criminal”s family members own or should own shall not be subject to confiscation.