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我们为何不能像保罗一样,经常为其他信徒代求呢?Why not pray for others as Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians?

保罗深切期望以弗所信徒能明白这些道理。Paul deeply longed that the Ephesian believers might know these things for themselves.

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特别是在以弗所的教会,更有很多忠心事主的信徒。There seems to have been some very faithful servants of Christ in the Ephesian church.

保罗说,那达不到标准的是以弗所信徒,也包括他自己和他的同工。Paul says the fallen ones are the Ephesian believers, including himself and his co-workers.

但是,在下次节,他把自己的以弗所,被收买这样做的以弗所人。But at the next Festival he made himself an Ephesian , being bribed to do so by the Ephesian people.

使徒保罗,在使徒行传20章,当他和以弗所教会的长老们告别时,他自己也很悲伤。The Apostle Paul, himself, mourned in Acts, Chapter 20, when he was departing from the Ephesian elders.

保罗不允许以弗所的女人讲道是因为她们还没有足够的知识和属灵的经历。Paul did not want the Ephesian women to teach because they didn't yet have enough knowledge or experience.

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以弗所人的信徒虽然相信耶稣,在奉他的名受洗之前,他们并不知道有圣灵的存在。The Ephesian believers did not know the Holy Spirit before being baptized in the name of Jesus, though they had believed in Him.

所有这些与保罗在使徒行传20章给以弗所教会众长老的重要信息相比,保罗丝毫没有提及市场化、增长或与时俱进。Compare all of this to Paul's pivotal message to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20. He mentions nothing about marketing, growing or adapting.

有些学者相信启示录是一卷流传的书信,先由以弗所教会来读,然后依照那条路线顺序流传著读下去。Some scholars believe Revelation was a circular letter that would have been read first by the Ephesian church, then passed on to the next church on the route.

传统上认为使徒约翰在大约公元68年成为以弗所教会的领袖,当时基督徒都逃离耶路撒冷躲避犹太人与罗马人的战争。Tradition indicates that the Apostle John became the leader of the Ephesian church around A. D. 68 when Christians fled Jerusalem during the Jewish-Roman War.