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搜索促销资料。Look for promotional materials.

也可以做广告促销品!Can also advertise promotional items!

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谨防过度强调宣传物品。Beware of over-emphasizing promotional items.

附赠式有奖销售是一种促销活动。Premium sales is a kind of promotional activities.

有一点点惊险,但那毕竟只是---一段宣传片。Briefly thrilling, but still – a promotional video.

促销礼品,广告品,赠品,礼物。Promotional gifts, advertising goods, gifts, gifts.

礼品,工艺品,广告赠品,促销品。Gifts, souvenirs, gifts advertising, promotional items.

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广告员正在把气球作为促销材料。The ad men are using balloons as promotional materials.

如果你是好,我会发布对你的宣传文章。If you are good I will post a promotional article on you.

有的同学可以宣传文明用语。Some classmates can promotional civilization terminology.

策划组织公司广告投放和推广活动。Coordinate company advertising and promotional activities.

基里安首先观看了展示深圳城市风貌的电视宣传短片。A promotional video of Shenzhen was first played for Killian.

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我很喜欢拍宣传片。嘿嘿,谁知道明天会发生啥呢。I really enjoy doing promotional films. Tomorrow, who knows. ?

广告礼品,小礼物,促销赠品,广告品。Advertising gifts, gifts, promotional gifts, advertising goods.

那个帖子在教育和推广层面都起了作用。The post worked on both an educational and a promotional level.

广告镜子,广告礼品,促销赠品,礼物。Advertising mirror, advertising gifts, promotional gifts, gifts.

在宣传照中,65岁的福特依然显得神采奕奕。In promotional photos, the 65-year-old Ford appears fit as ever.

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在广大的牙科诊所中具有较强的推广实用价值。It has strong promotional practical value in the dental clinics.

有些人说比约克的程序是促销工具,这是肯定的。Some call Bjork’s app a promotional tool, which of course it is.

优惠产品一律不可退还或交换。All promotional products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.