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研磨机夹持必须安装牢固。Sturdily mount the clamping device of machine.

告诉自己坚强度过各种时期。Let myself live through various period sturdily.

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旅游的新纪元同时也是十分民主的纪元。The new age of travel is also sturdily democratic.

现今,伟通正以惊人的速度茁壮成长。Nowadays, Wei is at an alarming rate grow sturdily.

向不幸感染SARS的人们给予最大的鼓舞,坚强地战胜病魔!Arouse the people who got SARS from illness, sturdily to win!

躯干发达,结构结实但不太紧凑。Body well-developed, sturdily constructed but not too compactly coupled.

张朝阳坚定的说,媒体平台就会是搜狐最核心的一块内容。Zhang Chaoyang says sturdily , media platform can be Sohu most a content of core.

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单车必须结构坚固,并配备有效的刹车系统。The bicycle used shall be sturdily built and fitted with effective braking system.

我们的教学对象是一群天真活泼充满活力、希望的茁壮成长的孩子们。Our teaching object is a group of innocent and lively, vibrant hope grow sturdily children.

坚固结构光学仪器用于测量水溶液的比重。The sturdily constructed instrument optically measure specific gravity of aqueous solutions.

这个时期,宝宝的手臂与大腿开始长肉,看起来比较粗壮。This time period, baby's arm and the thigh start to put on weight, looks like quite sturdily.

很多典型植物种属来自中国的外国的都在此园内茁壮成长。Many typical plant species from China and foreign countries are growing sturdily in the Garden.

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各种条件的日益成熟强劲地推动了我国叉车行业的快速发展。Increasingly mature various terms push sturdily the rapid development of China forklift industry.

坚持反对和防止腐败,是全党一项重大的政治任务。To fight against and prevent the corruption sturdily is an important political task in the party.

小透像一缕阳光,清缓而坚定地照亮了阴雾重重的草摩家族。Xiao resemble a sunshine fully, clear delay and enlightened sturdily Yin Wu's heavy grass rub familial.

在国内,一些知名企业也是“防御性品牌策略”的坚定实施者。In home, a few well-known companies also are " defence sex brand is politic " the person that carry out sturdily.

抵押物应该牢固的粘上标签,上面写明名字,借款人号码,日期,抵押品代码,等。Pledged goods should be sturdily tagged with a note indicating name of pledgor, borrower number, date, collateral number, etc.

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看到记录自己体重变化的卡片,自己也会觉得自豪,并坚定决心,不会犯错误,乱吃东西。See the card that records him weight change, oneself also can feel proud, be determined sturdily , won't make a mistake, have a thing in disorder.

在被问及对中国业务的耐心时,这位新闻集团的总掌门人坚定地说出了“是的”。In be asked about to be opposite when the patience of Chinese business, person of this total control door of news group was spoken sturdily " yes ".

21世纪将是一个品牌主宰竞争的世纪,谁拥有知名品牌,谁就能在市场中站稳脚跟。The 21 century will be a time that brand dominates the competition. Any enterprise which owns the well-known brand will plant feet sturdily in the market.