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患有运动障碍的人可能无法交到朋友。People with dyskinesia can have trouble making friends.

迟发性运动障碍也作为可能的并发症被写入其中。Tardive dyskinesia also is mentioned as a possible complication.

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运动障碍使帕金森病患者的日常生活更加困难。Dyskinesia make day to day life with Parkinson’s even more challenging.

最后,14岁时,医生断定我患了原纤毛运动障碍症。Finally, at age 14 the doctor's determined that I had Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia.

目的观察针灸治疗中风运动障碍的疗效。Objective To investigate the curative effect of acupuncture on apoplectic dyskinesia.

运动障碍不同于通常与帕金森病联系在一起的静止性震颤。Dyskinesia is different from the resting tremor that is usually associated with Parkinson's.

尽管左旋多巴是最好的药物之一,但是同时运动障碍也是几个主要问题中的一个疑难。Although Levodopa is one of the best treatments available, dyskinesia is one of the main problems.

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目的探讨精神分裂症迟发性运动障碍患者的血糖代谢水平。Objective To explore the metabolic levels of blood glucose in schizophrenics with tardive dyskinesia.

近期的产品标签已对长期应用甲氧氯普胺可导致迟发型运动障碍的风险提出警示。Current product labeling warns of the risk of tardive dyskinesia with chronic metoclopramide treatment.

卵磷脂可能证明是有益的,在减轻症状的老年痴呆症,阿尔茨海默氏症和迟发性运动障碍。Lecithin may prove useful in alleviating the symptoms of Senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Tardive dyskinesia.

左旋多巴治疗所引起的谷氨酸表达的过于活跃,可能是异动症出现的原因。An overactivation of glutamate signals, caused by treatment with levodopa, probably contributes to the development of dyskinesia.

在动物模型上,Brambilla博士的团队能够通过阻断过激通路上两个关键部位的活性来停止运动障碍。Dr. Brambilla’s team was able to stop dyskinesia in animal models by turning down the activity of two key parts of this overactive pathway.

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迟发性运动障碍导致肢体不自主的节律性重复运动、颌部咀嚼运动、撅嘴以及其他可能的永久性症状。Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary, repetitive movement of the limbs and lip smacking, grimacing and other symptoms that can be permanent.

迟发性运动障碍导致肢体不自主的节律性重复运动、颌部咀嚼运动、撅嘴以及其他可能的永久性症状。Tardive dyskinesia causes involuntary, repetitive movement of the limbs and lip smacking , grimacing and other symptoms that can be permanent.

脑桥出血多呈急性、亚急性起病,以眼部体征、各种类型的肢体运动障碍、面部及偏身感觉障碍多见。The symptoms are characterized by ocular abnormal signs, many kinds of limb dyskinesia and sensory disturbances of face and hemi-lateral body.

甚至第一代药物最令人畏惧的副作用迟发性运动障碍似乎比潜在的致命性代谢问题引起的麻烦更少一些。Even the most feared side effect of first-generation drugs, tardive dyskinesia , seems less troubling than potentially fatal metabolic problems.

随着病情的进展,药物的作用就会减弱,则需要增加剂量但同时会产生更严重的运动障碍,失去对运动的控制。As the disease progresses and the drug becomes less effective, doses are increased and can produce more dyskinesia , loss of controlled movement.

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最严重的,骨质疏松极易造成髋部、胸腰椎与踝部的骨折,和因骨折而形成相应的运动障碍。The most severe consequence is that osteoporosis will easily cause fracture in hip, chest, waist and ankle as well as dyskinesia as a result of fracture.

在这一时期,她试图减少服用抗精神病药物的数量。由于她担心患上迟发性运动障碍。During this period, she attempted to reduce the amount of antipsychotic medications she was taking because of concerns about developing tardive dyskinesia.

脑内不同部位病变的上肢运动障碍各具不同特点,一些征象可预测中风瘫痪上肢的功能预后。Dyskinesia of upper extremity had different features in different brain area lesion. Some sign can forecast functional prognosis of brachial palsy in stroke.