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他们会实践神秘主义吗?Do they practice occultism?

神秘学的一些系统比其它系统更理性些。Some systems of occultism are more rational than others.

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所有神秘主义和巫术的根基都已立好。All of the foundations for occultism and witchcraft are in place.

神秘学神秘学是对有关思维和修炼的许多分支的总称。Occultism is a general term referring to many branches of thought and practice.

此书打算弄清楚神秘主义的主要象征。有没有问题?The book sets out to elucidate the meaning of the principal symbols in occultism.

这既是它们的内在关联,也是基督教反对神秘主义和灵知派的内在原因。This is the their inner connection and why Christianity will condemn Occultism and Gnostisim.

像大多数巫师一样,他的工作方法融合了欧洲和本国的特点,这是他从他叔父那里学来的特殊神秘学。Like most witches here, he melds European and native traditions in his work, a special brew of occultism he learned from his uncle.

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不管怎样没有西部秘密主义和东部传统她卓越的综合成为一个基础为新的年龄的疑义。Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age.

光明会的阴谋家正在带来单一世界宗教,将神秘主义巧妙地隐藏在它的教导中。Illuministic conspirators were bringing forth a one-world religion with a cleverly concealed element of occultism interwoven in its teachings.

时下愈来愈多的电影将奥秘思想的图腾带入社会中,这背后似乎有其时空下特殊的义涵与机缘。More and more movies brought the symbols of Occultism to the modern world. It seems there is something meaningful behind it under the space and time.

企图达到合法化和接受,从大社会,提倡的神秘学有近年来描绘了隐匿性,因为基本上可以通过科学的调查。In an attempt to achieve legitimization and acceptance from the larger society, advocates of occultism have in recent years portrayed the occult as basically amenable to scientific investigation.