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把这两个物体并列就较易作出比较了。Comparison will be easier if you juxtapose the two objects.

他把女朋友的照片在桌上加以并列以表示他的爱。He tried to juxtapose the photos of his girlfriend on the desk to show his love.

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我们不能把这样的追求与你指称的“中国民运”并列起来。We cannot juxtapose these pursuits with what you call 'the Chinese democracy movement.

行首齐头式指信头数行的每行第一个字母上下对齐。The block form refers that the first word of each line should juxtapose with each other.

要是你等到自己失业了再去重新找工作,到时这些人可不会来找你了。Juxtapose that against what happens when you are out of work and searching – nobody is calling.

了解如何从一个并列在绘画艺术讲师在这个自由色彩理论色彩视频。Learn how to juxtapose colors in a painting from an art instructor in this free color theory video.

他首先引入了市场经济的某些因素,希望让计划经济和市场经济齐头并进。He first introduced some elements of market economy, hoping to juxtapose planned economy and market economy.

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由此,我的镜头瞄准了“关键词”及其与之并置或缠绕的一个个“关键词的景观”。Therefore, my lens aims to capture these 'Key Words' and juxtapose or intertwine the 'scene' of each key word.

一定要对比你的行动,确保用尽可能最简单、有效的方法完成。Be sure to juxtapose your actions so as to make their achievement possible in the easiest and most efficient way.

最后,我将于结论里比较小说与于2003年上映,改编自小说的电影两版本来做总结。At last, I will make a contrast between the novel and the movie shot in 2003, to juxtapose alternative perspective.

让幻影长矛手能以一定的几率闪避攻击,提升在攻击中制造幻象的几率。Gives the Phantom Lancer an edge in combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtapose 's image generation.

我要读的这两篇文章在某些观点上是并行的,我在讲伽达默尔的看法时想激发的就是这些观点。The two passages that I'm about to read juxtapose the viewpoints that I've been trying to evoke in describing Gadamer's position.

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我要读的这两篇文章在某些观点上是并行的,我在讲伽达默尔的看法时想激发的就是这些观点。The two passages that I'm about to read juxtapose the viewpoints that I've been trying to evoke in describing Gadamer's position.

例如,古希腊庙宇就将高大的立柱与宽阔的横檐一并使用,以构造刚性的垂线。For example, ancient Greek temples juxtapose tall vertical columns and wide horizontal entablatures to create rigid perpendiculars.

如果你浪费时间的借口是工作实在太多,那么试着时不时的放松一下。If your reasons to waste time stem from the prospect of too much work, try and juxtapose activities and perform them simultaneously.

如果你将人道主义与习以为常的空袭放在一个台面上看,你就知道加沙地区的局势有多么糟糕。You juxtapose that in terms of the humanitarian aspect coupled with the daily airstrikes and you get a very explosive situation in Gaza.

该项目的室内装饰并列高度精炼的原材料工业原料材料,以提高彼此的独特品质。The interior finishes of the project juxtapose highly refined materials with raw industrial materials in order to heighten one another's unique qualities.

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奇索斯群山骤起于沙漠之中,如天空之城,龙舌兰和仙人掌如同展览般精致。The sky island Chisos Mountains harbor stratified life zones and endless opportunities to juxtapose harsh desert agave and cacti with delicate floral displays.

研究经常把灵活和相对公平的法庭判决和没有变通、有时非常宗法制的传统法律文本并列。Studies often juxtapose flexible and relatively fair court outcomes with an undifferentiated and sometimes harshly patriarchal textual tradition of jurisprudence.

将圣约神学在律法和关系方面的观点平行并列是不必要的。对这三个圣约而言,个人与神的关系是以公义律法之关系为前提的。It is unnecessary to juxtapose the legal and relational aspects of covenant theology. In all three covenants, personal relations are premised upon just legal relations.