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促进组件的重用。Facilitate reuse of components.

修一修,再一次使用。To fix and mend and reuse again.

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你把压缩包装袋洗了再用。You wash and reuse ziplock bags.

那么你是如何循环利用塑料牛奶罐的呢?How do you reuse plastic milk jugs?

买二手布或可再使用的编织布。Buy secondhand cloth or reuse fabric.

煎炸用油重复使用是否安全?When is it Safe to Reuse Cooking Oil?

你有否尝试将固体废物废物利用?。Do you try to reuse the solid materials?

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有许多废品再利用的方法。There are some ways to reuse the wastes.

这还可以推动功能的重用。This also drives reuse of functionality.

重复使用袋子可以让每一个人都省下钱来。Everyone saves money when you reuse bags.

请不要再用密码压缩了!Please do not reuse passwords compressed!

人们并没有荒弃它,而是重新利用。And people don't abandon it but to reuse it.

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不要重复利用一次性使用的瓶子。Do not reuse bottles intended for single use.

它位于半山坡上,是一个改造项目。Located half hill there was a house to reuse.

软件再使用的益处总所周知。The benefits of software reuse are well known.

这准许不同语境的图重复使用。This allows diagram reuse in different contexts.

包由一起复用的类组成。A package consists of classes you reuse together.

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即使你用塑料袋购物,那也得重复使用至少一次或两次吧。Aim to reuse plastic bags at least once or twice.

这是重复使用客户端的正确方法?Is this the correct way to reuse the redis client?

我们还将向您展示如何重用解析器实例。We will also show you how to reuse parser instances.