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她不断地捆着麦子,单调得就像时钟一样。Her binding proceeds with clock-like monotony.

利用公馀之时摄影,可打发无聊时光。Using free time to do photography can relieve the monotony.

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几乎所有电视节目都很单调乏味。What characterizes almost all TV programs is their monotony.

亲爱的,你觉得一生最好的年日在沙漠生活中虚渡了么?Are the best years of your life slipping away in enforced monotony?

每天打开药瓶吃药让人感到很乏味。Dull the monotony of taking daily pills by jazzing up your pill box.

没有时间做一成不变的单调事。There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work.

这些女士对千篇一律的一夫一妻制及所谓“只在周三晚过性生活”感到厌倦。They are tired of the monotony of monogamy, the Wednesday-night-only sex.

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远处有一片“翡古萨”森林,这才打破了尽是农田所造成的极单调的气氛。Further on, the wood of Ficuzza broke the savage monotony of arable plain.

没有时间做一成不变的单调事。工作需要时间,爱情需要时间,就没有时间。There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time.

有时候,一点儿天真的嬉戏会使阴郁单调的生活增添一点生气。The cheerless monotony was sometimes enlivened with a little innocent merriment.

精神上,你也许有一段艰难的时间跟跑步机的单调斗争。Mentally, you may have a tougher time dealing with the monotony of the treadmill.

长途苦旅,我变魔术逗男孩玩耍。To relieve the monotony of the long journey, I played magic to entertain the boy.

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我反反覆覆地重复着这单调的教学,教学生们认知蓝环,在这一过程中,我的课变得愈加生动起来。Trapped by the monotony of that blue circle, my lessons grew increasingly animated.

进攻战术单一,阵地战以通过中锋进攻为主。The monotony of strategy, position attack is mainly carried out by the center forward.

每当在单调的隆隆声中昏昏欲睡,就会有一个车站奇迹般地出现。Whenever monotony raised its soporific head, a station stop would miraculously appear.

岩石台地、峡谷和旱谷点缀在绵延几千公里的流动沙丘中。Rocky mesas, canyons and arroyos break up the monotony of kilometers of shifting dunes.

衣衫不整的女孩子在揩抹小店铺的橱窗,这打破了街头的单调。Slip-shod girls cleaning the windows of the little shops broke the monotony of the street.

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让我们把精神集中在有趣的事情上,来打发这件令人不爽快又单调乏味的苦差事。Let's break the monotony of this unpleasant task by concentrating on something interesting.

为了调剂一下单调的无眠的夜晚,她记录下了男朋友的强烈的黑夜的恐怖。To relieve the monotony of sleepless nights she documents her boyfriend’s violent night terrors.

冯斌也许用这样的二维形式暗示他对单调的当代都市生活的批判。Here , two-dimensionality may imply Feng Bin's critical attitude toward the monotony of urban life.