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好多不同的人,多种文化。lots of different kinds of people, multicultural.

多元文化的颤抖不过是一个快乐的副产品。The multicultural frisson is no more than a happy by-product.

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这也是生活在多文化社会所要面临的重大问题。This is a profound problem in diversity and multicultural mangling.

另外,还有一个问题是今后科索沃是否绘成为一个多民族,多元文化的社会。About whether there is any hope for a multi-ethnic, multicultural society.

首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有时间先进水平。First of all, New Zealand is a multicultural country, a time-advanced level.

我想我喜欢在伦敦生活,因为它有文化多样性的一面。Well, I guess I love living in London because of its multicultural facets to it.

伦敦是一个多文化的,有活力和自己特性的大都市。London is a multicultural metropolis with a vibrancy and a personality all its own.

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在印度这个宗教多样化、文化多样化的社会,婚礼并无一定之规。In India's multireligious, multicultural society, there's no set agenda for weddings.

这是一幅当今英国所有奇妙事物和多元文化差异的组合画像。It's a composite portrait of the UK now in all its wonderful, multicultural difference.

巴哈的那个与主体间性和多重文化之理论相关的第三空间概念。K. Bhabha's Third Space as it pertains to intersubjectivity and multicultural theories.

高甲戏音乐形成主要获益于闽南丰富多彩、多元交融的戏曲生态。Gaojia Opera gets much benefit from the colorful, multicultural opera ecology of Minnan.

假期,给孩子选购一些多元文化背景的礼物如布娃娃、玩具及电脑游戏等。Add something new. This holiday season, give multicultural dolls, toys or games as gifts.

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木星掌管多元文化,大众传媒,大学,法律,和开放的思维。Jupiter rules over multicultural topics, mass media, universities, laws, and open- mindedness.

澳洲是多元文化和多宗教的国家,它不仅仅是一个和平的国家。Australia is a multicultural and multi-religious country. Not only that it is a peaceful country.

中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural process of the Chinese nation.

麦尔维尔在整个作品中突出了友情和人类多文化社会的意义。Throughout, Melville stresses the importance of friendship and the multicultural human community.

这次展覧里的新作品比旧作摆放了更多多元文化影响下的原素,令色彩层次更感丰富。The new works of this exhibition contains multicultural motifs, which make the works more colorful.

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唐卡艺术的价值就在于它是独特的,只有这样,多元文化艺术才能与其展开对话。The value of Tangka art lies in its unique which is the base to dialogue with the multicultural art.

例如,在有大移民的多文化教室中就会出现重大分岐。This has important ramifications for the multicultural classroom with large number of immigrants for example.

我们主要欢迎西欧人来这里,欢迎那些不喜欢生活在多元文化社会里的人。We primarily welcome people from Western Europe, people who wouldn't like to live in a multicultural society.