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我们不需要他们进行宣传。We don't need to propagandize them.

你只能做到宣传的效果。He replied that I could only propagandize.

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加强民族的爱国的宣传教育。We should ofen propagandize and educate the people.

我还要尽我的力量向身边的人宣传这些理念。I also must my strength propagandize these ideas to side person.

不仅自己要了解。还要向更多的人宣传奥运。Not only to know for yourself. but to propagandize it to more people.

第三是与通过美术馆和博物馆共同进行宣传。The third method is to propagandize through art galleries and museums.

他们的任务是宣传与毒品有关的法律并为警方提供缉毒线索。They are obliged to propagandize drug-related laws and provide clues to police.

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“卧尔兹”是阿訇宣传伊斯兰教的重要途径。"Expostulation" is the very important way for Akhund to propagandize for Islamism.

因为他老干坏事,他破坏我传大法,我就把他彻底销毁了。I destroyed him completely, for he always did bad things and annoyed me to propagandize Dafa.

而她着力渲染的五香街文化,则成为女性视角参照下完美的女性文化形态。She make great efforts to propagandize culture about Wuxan Street, and it is the best women literature in womans eyes.

党报作为历史悠久的报系,在我国长期的新闻宣传事业中发挥了巨大的作用。As an old-line newspaper system, part organ played a great role in our long-time Administrivia propagandize enterprise.

为了避免困难的决定,现时我们大多数会受诱惑倾向宣传良知和负责任的父母心。At the moment, to avoid hard decisions many of us are tempted to propagandize for conscience and responsible parenthood.

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赠书是高校图书馆丰富馆藏、缓解购书经费不足以及宣传图书馆的重要途径。For a library of university, donated books can enrich collections, cut down the cost of purchasing books and propagandize the library.

这个组织还使用其他方法来宣传他们的政治野心,如发表一些反对中共的打油诗。The organization uses other methods to propagandize their political ambitions, such as printing anti-Chinese Communist Party doggerels.

重回学校深造不仅可以帮助你事业取得进步,也可以让你有机会结识志同道合的人。Going behind to propagandize can assistance we allege your career as well as give we a possibility to correlate with like-minded people.

通过这些平面媒体和网络,我将进行出色的宣传,以吸引来自五湖四海的人们去关注这个项目。Through the flat media and the net, I will propagandize excellently draw more attention from people everywhere to concern about the project.

独立制片生产投入小,宣传发行难,创作和宣发方式自由,对市场的反应很敏锐。The investment of the individual production is small, therefore it is difficult for People to propagandize andissue individual producing movies.

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技术沙龙是南京理工大学微软技术沙龙俱乐部每周举行一次的以教学和交流为主的宣传微软技术、普及电脑知识的学习性沙龙。The technology salon which is held once a week is a routine of the MSTC, and the aim is to propagandize Microsoft technology and computer science.

先进人物宣传、倡导西方幼儿教育思想,对公共幼儿教育机构的出现起了舆论宣传的作用。Precursors propagandize and advocate the thoughts of western preschool education which publicize the idea of constructing public preschool education.

负责厂区保安,员工宿舍,饭堂,厂区及宿舍清洁卫生,公司文化宣传及员工康乐活动策划管理工作。Responsible for the Security, Dormitory, Canteen, and sanitation of the whole plant and dormitory. Also in charge of propagandize the company culture.