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从世界历史上看,文化的力量无坚不摧。In the term of history, the power of culture is unrivaled.

清仓商品无论种类还是质量都无可挑剔。Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety and quality.

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齐白石的“勤”和“思”,在今天看来,无人可比。" Qi Baishi's "ground" and "thinking" in this view, an unrivaled.

作为世界上唯一的超级大国,美国将自己的文化推广到前所未有的范围。As the unrivaled global superpower, America exports its culture on an unprecedented scale.

郑和姿貌才智,在内侍当中无人可比,是领航远洋的最佳人选。Cheng-tzu Maung intelligence, the chamberlain unrivaled which is navigating offshore the best choice.

在足球场上,贝利创造的奇迹在现代国际体育史上几乎是无人匹敌的。On the soccer field, Pele's legacy is virtually unrivaled in the modern history of international sports.

正是这种精神指引世世代代的美国劳动者建成全世界无可比拟的工业经济。It is what led generations of American workers to build an industrial economy unrivaled around the world.

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我认为我们该寄封电子邮件给所有受影响的客户,说明我们一定会提供独一无二的服务。I suggest wee-mail all the affected customers and explain that we are committed to providing unrivaled service.

太极拳“理根太极”,以其“中国传统文化全息映照”的美誉独步拳坛,风靡世界。As a reflection of Chinese traditional culture, Taijiquan sweeps the world and becomes unrivaled in the boxing field.

这场比赛是以其无与伦比的数据库,并使它成为一个最好的足球管理的游戏了。This game was renowned for its unrivaled database and helped make it one of the best football management games around.

经过了一系列的风波,最终,方世玉从一个懵懂莽撞的少年逐渐成长为了名震一时的盖世小英雄。After a series of crisis, ultimately, Sai Yuk rash from an ignorant boy has grown to a moment of unrivaled reputed Hero.

悉尼生活方式图片。游客攀登440英尺高的钢拱支架的悉尼海港桥,那提供无比的城市天涯的视图。Visitors scale the 440-foot-high steel arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which offers unrivaled views of the city skyline.

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这款程序给我们带来无与伦比的图像和特效,让玩家沉浸在这王国之中。Amazing visuals. the application delivers unrivaled graphics and special effects that immerse players in the kingdom's grounds.

在众多早春开花的树种中,山茱萸和北美山茱萸被众多北卡罗来纳州人认为是花中之王。Among the early spring-flowering trees the dogwood, Cornus florida, is regarded by most North Carolinians as unrivaled in beauty.

伯格鲁恩的父亲在二战后收藏了一批无人可及的艺术珍品,其中包括了毕加索和保罗克利的作品。Berggruen's father amassed an unrivaled collection of art by the likes of Pablo Picasso and Paul Klee in the wake of World War Two.

当你花时间描写或在性行业工作后,结果就是——你明白了人性的无比彪悍。The payoff after you’ve spent time writing about or working in the sex industry is your understanding of human nature is unrivaled.

之后的二十年里,公司再拔头筹,创立了包括有线电视新闻和娱乐业务在内的一整套节目。Over the next two decades, the company built a portfolio of unrivaled cable television news and entertainment brands and businesses.

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东子的青花瓷在中国北方艺术界达到了堪称无与伦比的境界。她在其他艺术领域的造诣也不容忽视。While Dongzi's blue white porcelain art is unrivaled in northern China, her talent in other artistic areas should not be overlooked.

她已经成了一位独一无二的名人,从她在国家级报纸报道时起就被视为经济官员的朋友。She has become an unrivaled celebrity, and counts senior economic officials friends from her reporting days at state-owned newspapers.

其形式品种之丰富,技艺之高超,队伍之庞大,以及在社会上流传之普遍与深入,都可以说是既空前又绝后的。The varied content, superb skills, vast teams, and the popularity in the society were both unprecedented and unrivaled in later times.