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忙碌平凡的一天就这样开始了。Then, a busyness but banal day was began.

她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。She used to rumpus and busyness in city life soon.

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真正的富有成效往往以为着要避开忙碌。Being truly productive often means eschewing busyness.

我们要注意别把“发展”和“忙碌”混淆。We must be careful not to confuse busyness with progress.

停止你的忙碌,去享受那些于你真正有意义的事情。Stop the busyness and really enjoy what’s important to you.

不要让生活中的忙碌是你往错的方向走去。Don’t let the busyness of your life lead you to the wrong direction.

在王的事上,不能把忙碌当成忽视王的借口。Busyness in the King's business is no excuse for neglecting the King.

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我并不充实,而且这种忙碌和消耗的文化让我感到烦躁。I wasn't content and the culture of busyness and consumption were wearing on me.

忙碌和消费的文化让我精疲力竭,我并不觉得满足。I wasn’t content and the culture of busyness and consumption were wearing on me.

然而,如今已沦为一个繁忙的市集,如何能让人敬拜神呢?But with all the busyness of a major marketplace, how could anyone worship there?

因此,我们需要创造出一种可以转移、有支持性的方法来改变我们忙碌的生活。Therefore, we need to create an empathic, supportive business to support "busyness."

尽管她尽职尽责,如此忙碌,但这一切仍旧只是一个假象。Though she appeared occupied, intently so, she was creating an illusion of busyness.

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富人们经常觉得自己整天忙碌,每天过多的选择令人不胜其烦。The affluent often feel besieged by busyness and plagued by a daily excess of choices.

但我仍然需要致力于保持这种状态并打破忙碌文化对我的束缚。But, I still need to work on being still and breaking free from the culture of busyness.

在这个无情、繁忙的现代生活中,我们已经在工作和休息之间失去了平衡。In the relentless busyness of modern life,we have lost the rhythym between action and rest.

颂扬蚂蚁的忙碌超过了颂扬蚂蚱草间的鸣声,这是多么狭隘的想法啊!How narrow is the vision that exalts the busyness of the ant above the singing of the grasshopper.

实事求是地说,我那超符负荷的生活方式诠释了繁忙和仓促的生活是压倒一切的。My Super-Charged Life tells it like it is with The Busyness and Hurriedness of Life Is Overwhelming.

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我敢打赌,那些比我年纪小一半的用户将会遇到这些麻烦,然后很有可能很喜欢这种忙碌。I bet folks who are half my age are going to have no such problems and probably would appreciate busyness.

而想要用恋爱、食物、忙碌来填补我们感觉到的空洞也很少能长时间有用。And trying to fill up the hole we feel – with relationships, food, busyness – is rarely successful for too long.

这是让你从外部世界的繁忙事物中脱离一会儿,解除焦虑的思绪。Helps you disconnect, just for a moment from the busyness of the outside world and relieve any built of anxiety.