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用太阳能加热水的方法之一是利用半透明或不透明的集热器。One solar method of heating water uses glazed or unglazed collectors.

有陶质与瓷质、釉饰和非釉饰之别等。There also exist the difference between pottery and porcelain, glazed and unglazed.

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介绍了素烧坯改素坯施釉用色釉的配制。Introduced the preparation of color glaze used in unglazed ware altering to green body.

以高岭石类粘土为主要原料,经1200℃的最高烧成温度烧成可制得无釉瓷化砖。Unglazed dense tile can be manufactured from kaolin clays at 1200℃maximum firing temperature.

所有的茶壸都是在陶工拉坏转轮上面,以手工制成的。而且因为没有上釉,茶壸本身便可吸收茶叶的味道。All pots are made by hand on a potter's wheel and left unglazed so that the pot can absorb the flavor of the tea.

素三彩,瓷器釉彩名,在未上釉的素胎上,施以绿、黄、茄紫三色而烧成。Prime three-color glazed porcelain name on unglazed prime tire, to impose green, yellow, eggplant purple tricolor and firing.

关于无釉壶画已应用不使用模板,靠快速旋转运动,似乎几乎是现代的作品。The painting on the unglazed pot has been applied without using a template, with fast brush movements which seem almost modern.

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相反,我们用一个中空的金刚石薄壁钻要从基地或其他对象的无釉两个圆柱形核心部分。Instead we use a hollow diamond core drill to remove two cylinder shaped cores from the base or other unglazed part of the object.

金属得碗口周围是一圈铜合金。除了装饰之用,它同样粗糙中带有光滑,边缘无釉。The metal band around the mouth is made of a copper alloy. Apart from its decorative use, it also smoothed the rough, unglazed rim.

通常不上釉,是最具实用价值的一种陶器,价格低廉,用途广泛,经久耐用。Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind, because of their cheapness, versatility, and durability.

当时在宜兴,现在中国东部的江苏省内,陶艺工人发明了一种用褐色或者红色瓷器制作的无釉茶壶来泡茶。It was at this time that potters in Yixing in what is now Jiangsu Province in eastern China first created an unglazed teapot made of brown or red stoneware for seeping tea leaves.

作品与人、作品与社会之间的关系是我创作的原动力,土窑无釉素烧是我作品的典型风格。My motivation of artistic creation lies in the relation among artist, artistic works and society. Unglazed potteries prepared in the earthen kiln are the typical styles of my works.